By Adam Nagy
The API Help contains a sample that lets you prompt the user to select a Face. This is helped by the option of specifying the object types we allow:
oSelectEvents.AddSelectionFilter filter
If you need more granularity when deciding which faces should be selectable then you can just handle the OnPreSelect event of the SelectEvents object. There you can check e.g. if the Face is planar or not, and in which direction its Normal is pointing. If e.g. it's pointing away from the user then you could make it not selectable:
Public Sub TestSelection()
' Create a new clsSelect object.
Dim oSelect As New clsSelect
' Call the pick method of the clsSelect object and set
' the filter to pick any face.
Dim oFaces As ObjectsEnumerator
Set oFaces = oSelect.Pick(kPartFaceFilter)
' Check to make sure an object was selected.
Dim oSelSet As SelectSet
Set oSelSet = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.SelectSet
For Each oFace In oFaces
oSelSet.Select oFace
End Sub
' The declarations and functions below need to be copied into
' a class module whose name is "clsSelect". The name can be
' changed but you'll need to change the declaration in the
' calling function "TestSelection" to use the new name.
' Declare the event objects
Private WithEvents oInteractEvents As InteractionEvents
Private WithEvents oSelectEvents As SelectEvents
' Declare a flag that's used to determine when selection stops.
Private bStillSelecting As Boolean
Public Function Pick(filter As SelectionFilterEnum) As ObjectsEnumerator
' Initialize flag.
bStillSelecting = True
' Create an InteractionEvents object.
Set oInteractEvents = ThisApplication.CommandManager.CreateInteractionEvents
' Ensure interaction is enabled.
oInteractEvents.InteractionDisabled = False
' Set a reference to the select events.
Set oSelectEvents = oInteractEvents.SelectEvents
oSelectEvents.WindowSelectEnabled = True
' Set the filter using the value passed in.
oSelectEvents.AddSelectionFilter filter
' Start the InteractionEvents object.
' Loop until a selection is made.
Do While bStillSelecting
' Get the selected item. If more than one thing was selected,
' just get the first item and ignore the rest.
Dim oSelectedEnts As ObjectsEnumerator
Set oSelectedEnts = oSelectEvents.SelectedEntities
If oSelectedEnts.Count > 0 Then
Set Pick = oSelectedEnts
Set Pick = Nothing
End If
' Stop the InteractionEvents object.
' Clean up.
Set oSelectEvents = Nothing
Set oInteractEvents = Nothing
End Function
Private Sub oInteractEvents_OnTerminate()
' Set the flag to indicate we're done.
bStillSelecting = False
End Sub
Private Sub oSelectEvents_OnPreSelect( _
PreSelectEntity As Object, DoHighlight As Boolean, _
MorePreSelectEntities As ObjectCollection, _
ByVal SelectionDevice As SelectionDeviceEnum, _
ByVal ModelPosition As Point, _
ByVal ViewPosition As Point2d, ByVal View As View)
If Not TypeOf PreSelectEntity Is Face Then Exit Sub
Dim oFace As Face
Set oFace = PreSelectEntity
If Not TypeOf oFace.Geometry Is Plane Then Exit Sub
Dim oPlane As Plane
Set oPlane = oFace.Geometry
Dim oViewDir As Vector
Set oViewDir = View.Camera.Eye.VectorTo(View.Camera.Target)
If oFace.IsParamReversed Then
oViewDir.ScaleBy -1
End If
' The direction the user is looking into and the face's
' normal the same then the dot product is positive, so
' we won't highlight the face
If oPlane.Normal.DotProduct(oViewDir.AsUnitVector()) > 0 Then
' Without this all 6 faces of the box would be selected
DoHighlight = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub oSelectEvents_OnSelect( _
ByVal JustSelectedEntities As ObjectsEnumerator, _
ByVal SelectionDevice As SelectionDeviceEnum, _
ByVal ModelPosition As Point, ByVal ViewPosition As Point2d, ByVal View As View)
' Set the flag to indicate we're done.
bStillSelecting = False
End Sub
Only the 3 user facing faces are selected.