In a PartDocument, hoping that ModelFeatureControlFrames can be retrieved from “ModelFeatureControlFrames” Inventor API. Instead of this, ModelFeatureControlFrames are encapsulated in “ModelCompositeAnnotations”.
Annotations in ModelCompositeAnnotations doesn’t count only the number of ModelFeatureControlFrames. It also includes variety of annotations.
To demonstrate this, a sample part can be downloaded from this Link which looks as shown below. In this part, there are 9 FeatureControlFrames and 8 FeatureControlFrames as base in composite.
VBA code:
Sub Main()
Dim oDoc As PartDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim compDef As PartComponentDefinition
Set compDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim cnt As Integer
cnt = compDef.ModelAnnotations.ModelFeatureControlFrames.Count
Dim compositeCnt As Integer
compositeCnt = compDef.ModelAnnotations.ModelCompositeAnnotations.Count
Dim fcfCnt As Integer
fcfCnt = 0
Dim fcfBaseCnt As Integer
fcfBaseCnt = 0
For Each CompositeAnnotation In compDef.ModelAnnotations.ModelCompositeAnnotations
For Each childAnno In CompositeAnnotation.Definition.Annotations
If childAnno.Type = kModelFeatureControlFrameObject Then
fcfCnt = fcfCnt + 1
Dim fcf As ModelFeatureControlFrame
Set fcf = childAnno
fcf.Definition.FeatureControlFrameRows.Item(1).DisplayFreeStateModifier = True
End If
If CompositeAnnotation.Definition.BaseAnnotation.Type = kModelFeatureControlFrameObject Then
fcfBaseCnt = fcfBaseCnt + 1
Dim fcfBase As ModelFeatureControlFrame
Set fcfBase = CompositeAnnotation.Definition.BaseAnnotation
fcfBase.Definition.FeatureControlFrameRows.Item(1).DisplayTangentPlaneModifier = True
End If
Debug.Print "standalone FCFs"; cnt
Debug.Print "Copmosite annotations"; compositeCnt
Debug.Print "FCFs in Composite"; fcfCnt
Debug.Print "FCFs as Base in Composite"; fcfBaseCnt
End Sub
Result for sample part:
standalone FCFs 0
Copmosite annotations 9FCFs in Composite 9
FCFs as Base in Composite 8