When we place a part to the assembly, it could be a common part, or a part from content center yet as standard, or the content center part as custom. Sometimes we would need to know which type part is inserted.
To differentiate the UI >> [Place] or [Place from Content Center], the first I thought of is the event: UserInputEvents::OnActivateCommand. For UI>>[Place], it can tell a meaningful name, but for UI >> [Place from Content Center], it only tells a command "InteractionEvents" which will also happen with some other UI operations. It cannot either tell as standard or as custom. In addition, the placing would be performed by an API code, the command name cannot over everything.
So I turned to check the other event: AssemblyEvents::OnNewOccurrence. It can provide the final component definition after the part is inserted, by the definition, we could check if it is a content center part as standard by PartComponentDefinition::IsContentMember. As to the content center part as custom, it looks we have to check the properties of the document because a content center part will have some special property sets than the common part, even if it has been converted to as custom part. The other blog tells more.
Based on the investigation, I produced a demo VBA code as below. Hope it helps.
Dim oClass As TestEvenClass
Sub startEvent()
Set oClass = New TestEvenClass
Do While True
End Sub
'event class
Public WithEvents oAssEvents As AssemblyEvents
Public Sub ini()
Set oAssEvents = ThisApplication.AssemblyEvents
End Sub
Private Sub oAssEvents_OnNewOccurrence(ByVal DocumentObject As AssemblyDocument, ByVal Occurrence As ComponentOccurrence, ByVal BeforeOrAfter As EventTimingEnum, ByVal Context As NameValueMap, HandlingCode As HandlingCodeEnum)
If BeforeOrAfter = kAfter Then
For Index = 1 To Context.Count
Dim oContextName As String
oContextName = Context.Name(Index)
If oContextName = "ComponentDefinition" Then
Dim oDef As ComponentDefinition
Set oDef = Context.Value(Context.Name(Index))
If TypeOf oDef Is PartComponentDefinition Then
Dim oPartDef As PartComponentDefinition
Set oPartDef = oDef
If oPartDef.IsContentMember Then
'this is a part from content center in standard way
Debug.Print "This is a part from Content Center "
' check if it is common part of custom part of Content Center
Dim isCustomPart As Boolean
isCustomPart = False
Dim oPropertySets As PropertySets
Set oPropertySets = oPartDef.Document.PropertySets
Dim oEachProSet As PropertySet
Dim oEachP As Property
For i = 1 To oPropertySets.Count
' use the 6th propertyset of [ContentCenter].
' If it is a Custom part, there is only one property within this property set.
' The name is “IsCustomPart”. While if it is a Standard CC part, there are some properties
' to indicate the information of the CC such as family, member etc..
'the internal name of this propertyset is not same across different content center part
'so, it looks we have to use display name, which assumes no user defined property set with the same name.
Set oEachProSet = oPropertySets(i)
'If oEachProSet.InternalName = "{5E21919D-4082-492A-8A30-039424CD07B5}" Then
If oEachProSet.DisplayName = "ContentCenter" Then
For k = 1 To oEachProSet.Count
Set oEachP = oEachProSet(k)
If oEachP.Name = "IsCustomPart" Then
Dim oValue As String
oValue = oEachP.Value
If oValue = "1" Then
isCustomPart = True
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
If isCustomPart Then
Exit For
End If
If isCustomPart Then
Debug.Print "This is a custom part from content center"
Debug.Print "This is a common part"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub