In general, we call ContentFamily.CreateMember to create the instance of a content family row by inputting index of this row. However, sometimes, we would need to pick one row which has specific cell value such as diameter, radius, length etc. I do not find a direct way to get specific table row. while we could still iterate the table rows and find out the specific item by the cell value(s).
In the other blog, my colleague Adam shared a code demo on how to get specific family. I produced another code based on that. The code tries to get the table row with one column: 'radius is 0.25".
Note: the method ContentTableRow.GetCellValue accepts the column index, or its internal name. e.g. in this case, the internal name of column 'radius' is 'RR'. In addition, in this demo code, I input one column only, however obviously, in family 'Bolt GB/T 35', there are many rows whose radius is also '0.25'. So you would need to input other columns and cell values, in order to get the unique row.
One more thing: if you have known the member id of a row, you could also get ContentTableRow by a direct method:ContentCenter.GetContentObject. In the blog, my colleague Wayne introduced it.
Public Function GetFamily( _
name As String, node As ContentTreeViewNode) _
As ContentFamily
Dim cc As ContentCenter
Set cc = ThisApplication.ContentCenter
If node Is Nothing Then Set node = cc.TreeViewTopNode
Dim cf As ContentFamily
For Each cf In node.Families
If cf.DisplayName = name Then
Set GetFamily = cf
Exit Function
End If
Dim child As ContentTreeViewNode
For Each child In node.ChildNodes
Set cf = GetFamily(name, child)
If Not cf Is Nothing Then
Set GetFamily = cf
Exit Function
End If
End Function
'input: specific content family
' internal name of specific ContentTableColumn (ContentTableColumn.internalName)
' the cell value of this column
'Note: you would need to input other columns and cell values, in order to get the unique row.
Public Function GetSpecificRow(cf As ContentFamily, colInternalName As String, cellValue As Variant)
Dim oRow As ContentTableRow
Dim oCol As ContentTableColumn
Dim oFound As Boolean
oFound = False
For Each oRow In cf.TableRows
'check the cell value of the specific column
Dim oCellV As String
oCellV = oRow.GetCellValue(colInternalName)
If oCellV = cellValue Then
oFound = True
Exit For
End If
If oFound Then
Set GetSpecificRow = oRow
Set GetSpecificRow = Nothing
End If
End Function
Public Sub CcTest()
Dim asm As AssemblyDocument
Set asm = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
'get specific family
Dim cf As ContentFamily
Set cf = GetFamily("Bolt GB/T 35", Nothing)
'get specific table row
Dim oOneTableRow As ContentTableRow
Set oOneTableRow = GetSpecificRow(cf, "RR", "0.25")
'create this member
Dim member As String
Dim ee As MemberManagerErrorsEnum
member = cf.CreateMember(oOneTableRow, ee, "Problem")
Dim tg As TransientGeometry
Set tg = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
'inser the member to the assembly
Call asm.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.Add( _
member, tg.CreateMatrix())
End Sub