By Wayne Brill
It is not obvious how to add or remove a check to an iProperty such as Creation Date:
In the VBA watch window you will see that when the "Date Created" iProperty is not checked the Expression property of the iProperty is not a valid date. When it is checked it has a valid date. If you give the iProperty Expression a valid date value it will be checked. Using a date value of "1601, 1, 1" removes the checkmark.
Here is a VBA example:
Public Sub iProperties_Test()
' Get the active document.
Dim invDoc As Document
Set invDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
' Get the design tracking property set.
Dim invDesignInfo As PropertySet
Set invDesignInfo = invDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties")
Dim iProp As Property
For Each iProp In invDesignInfo
'If iProp.Name = "Date Checked" Then
If iProp.DisplayName = "Date Created" Then
'Property is unchecked with this
' iProp.Expression = "1601, 1, 1"
'Property is checked with this
iProp.Expression = #7/22/2016#
Exit For
End If
Next iProp
End Sub