By Adam Nagy
Unfortunately, Apprentice cannot access the Parameters of an Inventor document. You would need to use Inventor for that.
If firing up an Inventor instance would be too slow or not feasible for e.g. licensing reasons, a workaround could be setting those Parameters to export to iProperties:
In that case a corresponding iProperty will be automatically created and kept up-to-date in the "Inventor User Defined Properties" (Custom) section:
The good news is that iProperties can be read not only through Apprentice, but also using Structured Storage API, which is completely independent of Inventor. Here is a view of our Inventor part file in a program called Structured Storage Viewer:
Here is a sample using Structured Storage API to get information from an Inventor file:
If setting the "Export Parameter" option for the Parameters you are interested in is not an option, then maybe you could run a batch process that stores those parameters somewhere else (e.g. in a CSV file named the same but with a ".csv" extension) next to the Inventor file, or create an Add-In which does the same but as part of the OnSaveDocument event of the ApplicationEvents object.