By Adam Nagy
You can do it in a similar way to Borders:
We have the following drawing with a single SketchedSymbolDefinition and instance of it:
If we select it in the UI then the following VBA code will change its PrompterEntry value to "NewValue":
Sub MofidyPromptedEntry() Dim oSS As SketchedSymbol Set oSS = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.SelectSet(1) Dim oTB As TextBox For Each oTB In oSS.Definition.Sketch.TextBoxes If oTB.Text = "<MyPrompt>" Then Call oSS.SetPromptResultText(oTB, "NewValue") End If Next End Sub
The result:
You could also use the same API from an iLogic rule:
' Set the value for the first sketched symbol ' on the current sheet Dim oSS As SketchedSymbol oSS = ActiveSheet.Sheet.SketchedSymbols(1) Dim oTB As TextBox For Each oTB In oSS.Definition.Sketch.TextBoxes If oTB.Text = "<MyPrompt>" Then Call oSS.SetPromptResultText(oTB, "NewValue") End If Next