By Adam Nagy
Inside an assembly you can create a folder in the browser and place multiple components in it. You can then control visibility and suppression of all those elements through the folder.
When you right-click on a folder you get a context menu with the "Suppress" menu item in it. If you click it Inventor will go through all the elements in the folder and suppress them. We can do the same thing through the API: iterate through the folder items and suppress them.
Note: the BrowserFolder object has no Suppress functionality in the API that could make the below code much simpler
In case of suppressing an occurrence pattern we have to go though each element, iterate through the occurrences they reference and suppress those, as shown in this blog post:
Here is the VBA code that suppresses the contents of the "MyFolder" browser folder:
Sub SuppressFolderTest() Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oPane As BrowserPane Set oPane = oDoc.BrowserPanes("Model") Dim oTopNode As BrowserNode Set oTopNode = oPane.TopNode Dim oFolder As BrowserFolder Set oFolder = oTopNode.BrowserFolders.Item("MyFolder") Call SuppressFolder(oFolder) End Sub ' Recursive function as there could be subfolders too Sub SuppressFolder(oFolder As BrowserFolder) Dim oItem As BrowserNode For Each oItem In oFolder.BrowserNode.BrowserNodes Dim oObj As Object Set oObj = oItem.NativeObject If TypeOf oObj Is BrowserFolder Then Call SuppressFolder(oObj) ElseIf TypeOf oObj Is ComponentOccurrence Then Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence Set oOcc = oObj If Not oOcc.Suppressed Then Call oOcc.Suppress ElseIf TypeOf oObj Is OccurrencePattern Then Dim oPatt As OccurrencePattern Set oPatt = oObj Dim oElem As OccurrencePatternElement For Each oElem In oPatt.OccurrencePatternElements For Each oOcc In oElem.Occurrences If Not oOcc.Suppressed Then Call oOcc.Suppress Next Next End If Next End Sub
Here is the same in iLogic:
Sub Main() Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oPane As BrowserPane oPane = oDoc.BrowserPanes("Model") Dim oTopNode As BrowserNode oTopNode = oPane.TopNode Dim oFolder As BrowserFolder oFolder = oTopNode.BrowserFolders.Item("MyFolder") Call SuppressFolder(oFolder) End Sub ' Recursive function as there could be subfolders too Sub SuppressFolder(oFolder As BrowserFolder) Dim oItem As BrowserNode For Each oItem In oFolder.BrowserNode.BrowserNodes Dim oObj As Object oObj = oItem.NativeObject If TypeOf oObj Is BrowserFolder Then Call SuppressFolder(oObj) ElseIf TypeOf oObj Is ComponentOccurrence Then Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence oOcc = oObj If Not oOcc.Suppressed Then Call oOcc.Suppress ElseIf TypeOf oObj Is OccurrencePattern Then Dim oPatt As OccurrencePattern oPatt = oObj Dim oElem As OccurrencePatternElement For Each oElem In oPatt.OccurrencePatternElements For Each oOcc In oElem.Occurrences If Not oOcc.Suppressed Then Call oOcc.Suppress Next Next End If Next End Sub
And here is the code in action. As you can see we get exactly the same result as if you clicked the "Suppress" context menu item of the folder in the UI, and the "Suppress" item will be ticked: