By Adam Nagy
iLogic.ExternalRuleFinder.GetParsedRuleNames was never documented and has been moved to a different class and became internal (no longer public) in 2016.
Instead of using that function you can just do a scan of the iLogic external rule directories for rule files. The directory names are available in the iLogic API property IiLogicAutomation.FileOptions.ExternalRuleDirectories. Here’s a sample rule to list the directory names:
For Each directoryPath As String In iLogicVb.Automation.FileOptions.ExternalRuleDirectories Trace.WriteLine("Directory name: " + directoryPath) Next
In Inventor 2016 all the rules in these directories (and subdirectories, if any) are shown on the External Rules tab in the iLogic browser - in previous versions, only manually selected rules were shown.