By Adam Nagy
If you want to select one of the planes of a component occurrence inside an assembly, then you first have to get the component definition of that occurrence in order to get to its work planes. Then you need to get the work plane's representaion (proxy) inside the assembly through the component occurrence object:
In this case we select the XY plane of the currently selected part component occurrence:
Sub SelectXyPlaneOfOccurrence() Dim doc As AssemblyDocument Set doc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' Let's say the occurrence is already ' selected in the UI Dim occ As ComponentOccurrence Set occ = doc.SelectSet(1) ' Let's select the XY plane (3rd in the list) Dim pcd As PartComponentDefinition Set pcd = occ.Definition Dim wp As WorkPlane Set wp = pcd.WorkPlanes(3) ' Get its representation in the ' assembly Dim wpp As WorkPlaneProxy Call occ.CreateGeometryProxy(wp, wpp) ' Now select it Call doc.SelectSet.Select(wpp) End Sub