In default, Inventor has provided a bunch of translators of various formats such as *.dwg, *.dxf, *.sat etc. Each translator is actually an add-in which manages the Open or Save Copy As of the corresponding file format. e.g. when you open a *.sat file, the translator add-in of SAT will handle the open process to translate the file data to the geometries of Inventor. When you save copy as an Inventor file, the translator add-in will handle the save process to save geometies to the file.
The translator add-ins are grouped at the [Translator] tab of AddIn Manager. While what we normally create is a kind of standard add-in which is listed at [Applications] tab.
You can find their *.addin file at:
\ProgramData\Autodesk\Inventor ***\Addins\.
The *.dll are deployed at
<Inventor Installation Path>\bin\
I believe you have known API allows you to drive the default add-in to customize the Open/Save options to achieve the specific requirements.
API also allows you to create custom translator add-in, by which you can resolve custom file format to the geometries in Inventor, or conversely.
The basic structure of the stardard add-in and translator add-in are same:
1. It is a class library (*.dll )
2. A *.X.Manifest file is used to build with the *.dll
3. A *.addin file configures the behaviors of the add-in.
The difference are:
1. The class of stardard add-in derives from ApplicationAddInServer, while the class of translator add-in derives from TranslatorAddInServer.
2. Except the Activate and Deactivate methods, the class must override more methods of TranslatorAddInServer:
Open: Open the data specified by the data-source.
SaveCopyAs: Save the document to the specified data-
HasOpenOptions: Gets whether the translator has
options available for opening the specified data-source.
HasSaveCopyAsOptions: Gets whether the translator has
options available for saving the specified data-source.
ShowSaveCopyAsOptions: Show the save options for the
specified data-source. This method is only called if True was
returned from HasSaveCopyAsOptions
GetThumbnail: Obtains the thumbnail, if any, for the given
3. There are some special tags with the *.addin file of the translator add-in.
The XML head tag specifies the add-in type
Indicates the environments which support to open the custom file format
Indicates the environments which support to import the custom file format
Indicates the environments which support to Save Copy As
the geometries to custom file format
Indicates the extension name of the custom format.
<FilterTextLanguage="1033">ABC Files (*.abc)</FilterText>
Indicates the text for [Files of Type] of Open/ Save Copy As dialog
Indicates whether it supports Open
Indicates whether it supports Import
Indicates whether it supports Save Copy As
The Inventor Wizard of C++ provides the option to create a translator add-in skeleton. But wizard of .NET has not yet provided it. I made a copy of .NET wizard and changed the template for the translator add-in. The template of C# is attached. Please copy to
<Documents>\ Visual Studio ***\Templates\ProjectTemplates\ .
Download VCSInventorTranslatorAddInTemplate2014
I will produce VB.NET version later.
Now, I will demo how to imeplement a custom translator add-in for a file format *.abc. The demo mimics the C++ sample :
In this demo, I define data in an *.abc file: two for a sphere center point and radius, the other is for product number of iProperties. When an *.abc file is opened, the add-in will create a part document, read the *.abc file, build a sphere with the radius and update product number of iProperties with the data.
When saving to an *.abc file, the translator will get data of an existing sphere surface of a part and the current part number, save them to the *.abc file.
Firstly, let us create a skeleton of translator add-in by the wizard.
Start Visual Studio, select the template [Autodesk Inventor 2014 Translator AddIn]
The project is created with a class derives from TranslatorAddInServer and the necessary override methods.
Open Autodesk.MyTranslator.Inventor.addin to make sure the options. In default, the *.addin file is
<!--Created for Autodesk Inventor Version 18.0-->
<FilterTextLanguage="1033">ABC Files (*.abc)</FilterText>
You can change the option with your requirements.
After building, the add-in is deployed to
Launch Inventor, in open dialog or save dialog, you can see the option *.abc is available. I’d suggest you could debug the project to see if the Open or SaveCopyAs method would be invoked when opening or saving to an *.abc.
The next post will implement the Open & SaveCopyAs workflow.
( to be continued)