Within the document settings for a drawing, on the drawing tab, there is a button called "Copy Model iProperty Settings... " this brings you to the settings dialog box which has a check box to enable Copy Model iProperties. Checking the box will enable a list of iProperties found in the drawing which you would like to enable inventor to copy from the model to the drawing's iProperties.
I am looking for a way within the API to check the box highlighted in red and then any iProperties in the list.
The DrawingSettings object has not exposed the relevant API to toogle the [Copy Model Properties]. But with current API, it is feasible to implement the copying when placing the drawing view. The following is a VBA code demo which watches the event of document changing. If it is “Create Drawing View”, get the model document of the drawing view, and copy the specific iProperties to the drawing document.
Private cls As clsDocEvent
Sub startcmd()
Set cls = New clsDocEvent
End Sub
Sub Endcmd()
Set cls = Nothing
End Sub
Event Class:
'document event
Private WithEvents DocEvts As DocumentEvents
'current drawing document
Private thisDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'get the current document
Set thisDrawingDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
'get document event
Set DocEvts = thisDrawingDoc.DocumentEvents
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set DocEvts = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub DocEvts_OnChange(ByVal ReasonsForChange As CommandTypesEnum, _
ByVal BeforeOrAfter As EventTimingEnum, _
ByVal Context As NameValueMap, _
HandlingCode As HandlingCodeEnum)
If BeforeOrAfter = kAfter Then
'check the context
Dim i As Integer
Dim oEachObj As Variant
For i = 1 To Context.Count
On Error Resume Next
Set oEachObj = Context.Item(i)
If Err Then
Dim oName As String
oName = Context.Item(i)
'if this is fired by placing drawing view
If oName = "Create Drawing View" Then
'get the document the drawing view refers to
Dim oLastView As DrawingView
Set oLastView = thisDrawingDoc.ActiveSheet.DrawingViews(thisDrawingDoc.ActiveSheet.DrawingViews.Count)
Dim oRefDoc As Document
Set oRefDoc = oLastView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
'copy some specific iProperties to the drawing document
' document title
Dim oTitle As String
oTitle = oRefDoc.PropertySets("Summary Information").ItemByPropId(kTitleSummaryInformation).value
'copy to drawing document
thisDrawingDoc.PropertySets("Summary Information").ItemByPropId(kTitleSummaryInformation).value = oTitle
' document description
Dim oDesc As String
oDesc = oRefDoc.PropertySets("Design Tracking Properties").ItemByPropId(kDescriptionDesignTrackingProperties).value
'copy to drawing document
thisDrawingDoc.PropertySets("Design Tracking Properties").ItemByPropId(kDescriptionDesignTrackingProperties).value = oDesc
End If
'if context item is also a NamedValueMap
End If
End If
End Sub