I would like to obtain, in a structured parts list, the total number of ITEM in the sub-assembly.
I have found an iLogic rule to create an user ipropertie in each part, with the total nomber of this part in all the assemby (included all sub-assemblies).
I would like to know if it is possible to obtain the total of this part only in the sub-assembly. Is it possible with an iLogic rule or VBA ?
You can recurse the referenced documents of the top assembly, filter out the sub assemblies. And iterate the occurrences of the assemblies to count each part. iLogic is based on VB.NET, so you could take advantage the Dictionary object to make the worflow more clear.
The following code is a demo to dump an assembly, get the part count of each sub assembly.
Sub Main() 'get top assembly Dim oTopAss As AssemblyDocument oTopAss = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'store part info for each sub assembly, ' including decedent Sub Assembly Dim oTotalDict As _ New Dictionary(Of String, _ Dictionary(Of String, Integer)) Dim oEachRefDoc As Document For Each oEachRefDoc In _ oTopAss.ReferencedDocuments If TypeOf oEachRefDoc Is _ AssemblyDocument Then 'get full path of the assembly Dim oSubAssFullPath As String oSubAssFullPath = _ oEachRefDoc.FullFileName If oTotalDict.ContainsKey(oSubAssFullPath) Then ' should have iterated, do nothing Else 'store each unique part per its full path Dim oSubDict = _ New Dictionary(Of String, _ Integer) 'add a dictionary for the sub assembly oTotalDict.Add(oSubAssFullPath, _ oSubDict) 'iterate the parts within the sub assembly recurseSubAss(oEachRefDoc, _ oTotalDict, _ oSubDict) End If End If Next 'dump the count statistic of the assemblies Dim oMsg As String Dim iAssKey As String Dim oEachAssDic As _ Dictionary(Of String, Integer) = Nothing For Each iAssKey In _ oTotalDict.Keys 'each sub assembly, including the decendent assembly oMsg += vbCr + "***" + _ iAssKey + "***" oEachAssDic = _ oTotalDict(iAssKey) Dim iPartKey As String For Each iPartKey In _ oEachAssDic.Keys Dim quantity As Integer = _ oEachAssDic(iPartKey) oMsg += vbCr + " " + _ iPartKey + " [count: " + _ quantity .ToString() + "]" Next Next 'message the info System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(oMsg) End Sub Sub recurseSubAss(ByVal oParentDoc As AssemblyDocument, _ ByRef oTotalDict As _ Dictionary(Of String, _ Dictionary(Of String, Integer)), _ ByRef oSubDict As _ Dictionary(Of String, _ Integer)) Dim oAssDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition oAssDef = oParentDoc.ComponentDefinition Dim oEachOcc As ComponentOccurrence For Each oEachOcc In oAssDef.Occurrences Dim oEachRefDoc As Document oEachRefDoc = oEachOcc.Definition.Document If TypeOf oEachRefDoc Is _ AssemblyDocument Then 'get full path of the assembly Dim oSubAssFullPath As String oSubAssFullPath = _ oEachRefDoc.FullFileName If oTotalDict.ContainsKey(oSubAssFullPath) Then ' should have iterated, do nothing Else 'store each unique part per its full path Dim oSubSubDict = _ New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) 'add a dictionary for the sub assembly oTotalDict.Add(oSubAssFullPath, _ oSubSubDict) 'iterate the documents within the sub assembly recurseSubAss(oEachRefDoc, _ oTotalDict, _ oSubSubDict) End If Else ' it is part 'get full path of the part Dim oPartFullPath As String oPartFullPath = oEachRefDoc.FullFileName 'add this part to the dictionary If oSubDict.ContainsKey(oPartFullPath) Then ' if the part has existed in the dictionary 'quantity + 1 oSubDict(oPartFullPath) = _ oSubDict(oPartFullPath) + 1 Else ' add this part, quantity =1 oSubDict.Add(oPartFullPath, 1) End If End If Next End Sub