The RangeBox is a rectangular box that is guaranteed to enclose this object. If you access the range in the assembly context, you can use ComponentOccurrence.RangeBox without proxy because this has been transformed in the assembly context. The following code assumes there is a top assembly which has some sub assemblies. The sub assemblites are placed with different rotations intentionally. It gets the rangebox of each component and draws a box with transparent appearance. Their locations are in the context of the top assembly. You need to go to the "Appearance Browser" and add the "Clear" appearance to the document before running the code. Of course, you can also use API to add the appearance.
Sub drawComRange()
Dim oAssDoc As AssemblyDocument
Set oAssDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim localAsset As Asset
Set localAsset = oAssDoc.Assets.Item("Clear")
Dim oCompDef As ComponentDefinition
Set oCompDef = oAssDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim oTransientBRep As TransientBRep
Set oTransientBRep = ThisApplication.TransientBRep
On Error Resume Next
Dim oClientGraphics As ClientGraphics
Set oClientGraphics = oCompDef.ClientGraphicsCollection.Item("Sample3DGraphicsID")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End If
Set oClientGraphics = oCompDef.ClientGraphicsCollection.Add("Sample3DGraphicsID")
Dim oSurfacesNode As GraphicsNode
Set oSurfacesNode = oClientGraphics.AddNode(1)
oSurfacesNode.Appearance = localAsset
Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOcc In oAssDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
Dim oRB As Box
Set oRB = oOcc.RangeBox
Dim oBody As SurfaceBody
Set oBody = oTransientBRep.CreateSolidBlock(oRB.Copy())
' Create client graphics based on the transient body
Dim oSurfaceGraphics As SurfaceGraphics
Set oSurfaceGraphics = oSurfacesNode.AddSurfaceGraphics(oBody)
oSurfacesNode.Appearance = localAsset
End Sub