By Wayne Brill
This VB example uses GetPropertyDefinitions() and the GetPropertyValue() of the the PropertyManager to retrieve the value of system and a user defined property (UDP) for a file. It may not be obvious how to get the PropertyDefinition parameter that you need to pass to GetPropertyValue().
To get the PropertyDefinition you can use GetPropertyDefinitions() which returns a PropertyDefinitionDictionary which is a key value pair. The value of the KeyValuePair are property definitions. In this example the display name of the PropertyDefinition is used to find a user defined property to use with GetPropertyValue().
For system properties you can use one of the members of PropertyDefinitionIds.Server. This example is using PropertyDefinitionIds.Server.LifeCycleDefinition and PropertyDefinitionIds.Server.VersionNumber.
To try this code you can add a button to the VaultList SDK sample and copy in this code.
Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As System.Object, _
e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
' For demonstration purposes,
'the information is hard-coded.
Dim results As VDF.Vault.Results.LogInResult =
VDF.Vault.Library.ConnectionManager.LogIn _
("localhost", "Vault", "Administrator", "", _
VDF.Vault.Currency.Connections. _
AuthenticationFlags.Standard, Nothing)
If Not results.Success Then
End If
Dim m_conn As _
VDF.Vault.Currency.Connections.Connection _
= results.Connection
Dim props As PropertyDefinitionDictionary = _
Nothing, PropertyDefinitionFilter.IncludeAll)
Dim myKeyValPair As KeyValuePair _
(Of String, PropertyDefinition)
Dim myUDP_DayOFSave As PropertyDefinition _
= Nothing
Dim propDef As PropertyDefinition
For Each myKeyValPair In props
' Property definition from KeyValuePair
propDef = myKeyValPair.Value()
' Using the display name to identify
' the PropertyDefinition
If propDef.DisplayName = _
"wb_Day_Of_IDW_Save" Then
'It is the PropertyDefinition
myUDP_DayOFSave = propDef
Exit For
End If
Dim myLifeCycleDef As PropertyDefinition = _
props(PropertyDefinitionIds.Server. _
Dim myVerNumDef As PropertyDefinition = _
props(PropertyDefinitionIds.Server. _
' Get the FileIteration
Dim fileIter As _
VDF.Vault.Currency.Entities.FileIteration = Nothing
'Change this to the name of a file in your vault
fileIter = _
getFileIteration("wB_Assembly_9-23-13.idw", m_conn)
'Name of the life cycle definition
Dim strLifeCycleName As String = _
m_conn.PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue _
(fileIter, myLifeCycleDef, Nothing)
'Version number
Dim strVersionNumber As String = _
m_conn.PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue _
(fileIter, myVerNumDef, Nothing)
'Get the user defined property value
If Not myUDP_DayOFSave Is Nothing Then
Dim strPropertyVal As String = _
m_conn.PropertyManager.GetPropertyValue _
(fileIter, myUDP_DayOFSave, Nothing)
MessageBox.Show("Value of custom prop " _
& myUDP_DayOFSave.DisplayName.ToString() _
& " = " & strPropertyVal)
End If
End Sub
Here is the code that gets the FileIteration.
Public Function getFileIteration _
(nameOfFile As String, _
connection As _
VDF.Vault.Currency. _
Connections.Connection) _
As VDF.Vault.Currency. _
Dim conditions As ACW.SrchCond()
ReDim conditions(0)
Dim lCode As Long = 1
Dim Defs As ACW.PropDef() = _
connection.WebServiceManager. _
PropertyService. _
Dim Prop As ACW.PropDef = Nothing
For Each def As ACW.PropDef In Defs
If def.DispName = _
"File Name" Then
Prop = def
End If
Next def
Dim searchCondition As _
ACW.SrchCond = New ACW.SrchCond()
searchCondition.PropDefId = _
searchCondition.PropTyp = _
searchCondition.SrchOper = lCode
searchCondition.SrchTxt = nameOfFile
conditions(0) = searchCondition
' search for files
Dim FileList As List _
(Of Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.File) = _
New List _
(Of Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.File) '()
Dim sBookmark As String = String.Empty
Dim Status As ACW.SrchStatus = Nothing
While (Status Is Nothing OrElse _
FileList.Count < Status.TotalHits)
Dim files As Autodesk.Connectivity. _
WebServices.File() = connection.WebServiceManager.
DocumentService.FindFilesBySearchConditions _
(conditions, _
Nothing, Nothing, True, True, _
sBookmark, Status)
If (Not files Is Nothing) Then
End If
End While
Dim oFileIteration As _
VDF.Vault.Currency.Entities. _
FileIteration = Nothing
For i As Integer = _
0 To FileList.Count - 1
If FileList(i).Name = _
nameOfFile Then
oFileIteration = _
New VDF.Vault.Currency. _
Entities.FileIteration(connection, _
End If
Return oFileIteration
End Function