How to create a pattern (rectangular/circular) of occurrences in an Inventor assembly?
The sample code below shows how you could pattern occurrences in the x and y direction. The value no_x_rect refers to the number of occurrences in the x direction, no_y_rect refers to the number of occurrences in the y direction. This example just creates a pattern along the x and y directions, you could modify this code to create patterns along any desired directions (e.g. you may pass in an EdgeProxy to define the directions). Similarly, you could also create circular patterns except that you would be dealing with angular co-ordinates.
VBA sample code:
Sub CreatePatternsInAssembly()
'open an assembly with at least two components and run this sample
Dim oAssyDoc As AssemblyDocument
Set oAssyDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oAssyDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
Set oAssyDef = oAssyDoc.ComponentDefinition
If oAssyDef.Occurrences.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox "Assembly must have 2 components"
Exit Sub
End If
'base work axes
Dim XAxis As WorkAxis
Dim YAxis As WorkAxis
Dim Zaxis As WorkAxis
With oAssyDef
Set XAxis = .WorkAxes(1)
Set YAxis = .WorkAxes(2)
Set Zaxis = .WorkAxes(3)
End With
'Create an object collection
Dim objCol As ObjectCollection
Set objCol = ThisApplication _
'add the desired occurrence to be patterned
objCol.Add oAssyDef.Occurrences.Item(1)
'set the number of patterns in the x direction
Dim no_x_rect As Integer
no_x_rect = 3
'set the number of patterns in the y direction
Dim no_y_rect As Integer
no_y_rect = 3
'Creating a Rectangular pattern
Call oAssyDef.OccurrencePatterns _
.AddRectangularPattern(objCol, _
XAxis, True, 10, no_x_rect, _
YAxis, True, 10, no_y_rect)
'Creating a Circular pattern
objCol.Add oAssyDef.Occurrences.Item(1)
Call oAssyDef.OccurrencePatterns _
.AddCircularPattern(objCol, _
Zaxis, True, "45 deg", 5)
End Sub
C# sample code:
private void CreatePatternsInAssembly()
{ //open an assembly with at least two components and run this sample
AssemblyDocument oAssyDoc = (AssemblyDocument)oApp.ActiveDocument;
AssemblyComponentDefinition oAssyDef = oAssyDoc.ComponentDefinition;
if (oAssyDef.Occurrences.Count < 2)
MessageBox.Show("Assembly must have 2 components");
//base work axes
WorkAxis XAxis = oAssyDef.WorkAxes[1];
WorkAxis YAxis = oAssyDef.WorkAxes[2];
WorkAxis ZAxis = oAssyDef.WorkAxes[3];
//Create an object collection
ObjectCollection objCol = oApp
//add the desired occurrence to be patterned
//set the number of patterns in the x direction
int no_x_rect = 3;
//set the number of patterns in the y direction
int no_y_rect = 3;
//Creating a Rectangular pattern
objCol, XAxis, true, 10, no_x_rect,
YAxis, true, 10, no_y_rect);
//Creating a Circular pattern
objCol, ZAxis, true, "45 deg", 5);