One possible solution is call programmatically the built-in command "Project Cut Edges...", which is available through the user interface.
To do it with the user interface, follow the steps:
- Select a WorkPlane in your assembly
- Using the Create Component command a part is created with a default sketch in Edit mode based on the workplane
- Select the occurrence you want to project
- Use the Project Cut Edges command
To perform the same thing programmatically, there is no direct equivalent in the API currently, however there is a workaround: this is a mix of API calls & user commands called programmatically which is following the workflow described above.
To test it, open an assembly file, select or create a workplane that intersect with the assembly and run the following sample TestProjectCutEdges method, replacing "PartTestProjection:1" by the name of the occurrence you want to project as it appears in the browser pane.
Public Sub TestProjectCutEdges()
' access the active document as
' Assembly Document
If (m_inventorApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> _
DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject) Then Return
Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = m_inventorApplication. _
' get the workplane
Dim oWorkPlane As WorkPlane = TryCast(
m_inventorApplication. _
ActiveDocument.SelectSet.Item(1), _
If (oWorkPlane Is Nothing) Then Return
' start the method
MethodProjectCutEdges(oAsmDoc, _
oWorkPlane, _
End Sub
Public Sub MethodProjectCutEdges( _
ByVal oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument, _
ByVal oWorkPlane As WorkPlane, _
ByVal OccurenceName As String)
Dim xVector As Vector = Nothing
Dim yVector As Vector = Nothing
Dim zVector As Vector = oWorkPlane.Plane.Normal.AsVector
'Create a coordinate system based on the workplane's normal vector
CreateCoordSystem(xVector, yVector, zVector)
' create a transformation matrix
Dim oMatrix As Matrix = m_inventorApplication. _
' and set the coordinate system
oMatrix.SetCoordinateSystem( _
oWorkPlane.Plane.RootPoint, _
xVector, yVector, zVector)
' create a new part document
Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument = m_inventorApplication. _
Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject, _
m_inventorApplication.FileManager. _
GetTemplateFile( _
DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject), _
' and add as an occurrence to the active assembly document
Dim oCompOcc As ComponentOccurrence = oAsmDoc. _
ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AddByComponentDefinition( _
oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition, oMatrix)
' and start edit mode
' access the part document component definition
Dim oPartCompDef As PartComponentDefinition = _
' and create a new sketch
Dim oSketch As Sketch
oSketch = oPartCompDef.Sketches.Add( _
oPartCompDef.WorkPlanes.Item("XY Plane"))
' make the part occurrence as the selection
Dim oSelectedOcc As Object
oSelectedOcc = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition. _
' and execute the built-in command
m_inventorApplication.CommandManager. _
ControlDefinitions. _
End Sub
Public Sub CreateCoordSystem(ByRef xVector As Vector, _
ByRef yVector As Vector, _
ByRef zVector As Vector)
' get the transient geometry object
Dim tg As TransientGeometry = m_inventorApplication. _
Dim Tolerance As Double = 0.000000000001
'Set a tolerance treshold for the normal vector
If Math.Abs(zVector.X) < Tolerance Then
zVector.X = 0.0#
ElseIf Math.Abs(zVector.Y) < Tolerance Then
zVector.Y = 0.0#
ElseIf Math.Abs(zVector.Z) < Tolerance Then
zVector.Z = 0.0#
End If
If zVector.X <> 0 Then
xVector = tg.CreateVector(-zVector.Y / zVector.X, 1, 0)
yVector = zVector.CrossProduct(xVector)
ElseIf zVector.Y <> 0 Then
xVector = tg.CreateVector(0, -zVector.Z / zVector.Y, 1)
yVector = zVector.CrossProduct(xVector)
ElseIf zVector.Z <> 0 Then
xVector = tg.CreateVector(1, 0, 0)
yVector = zVector.CrossProduct(xVector)
End If
End Sub