By Barbara Han
How to create a flush constraint between two faces using C++?
The following code creates a flush constraint for the first faces of the first two occurrences.
Please make sure that these faces are planar, not e.g. the side of a cylinder.
static HRESULT GetInventorInformation()
CLSID InvAppClsid;
Result = CLSIDFromProgID (L"Inventor.Application", &InvAppClsid);
if (FAILED(Result)) return Result;
// Either create a new instance of the application or latch on to the currently active one.
_tprintf_s (_T("Would you like to create a new Inventor application? (y/n) _: "));
_tscanf_s (_T("%ls"), Str, _MAX_PATH);
CComPtr<IUnknown> pInvAppUnk;
if (toupper (Str[0]) == _T('Y'))
Result = CoCreateInstance (InvAppClsid, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, __uuidof(IUnknown), (void **) &pInvAppUnk);
if (FAILED (Result))
_tprintf_s (_T("*** Failed to create a new Inventor application ***\n"));
Result = ::GetActiveObject (InvAppClsid, NULL, &pInvAppUnk);
if (FAILED (Result))
_tprintf_s (_T("*** Could not get hold of an active Inventor application ***\n"));
if (FAILED(Result)) return Result;
CComPtr<Application> pInvApp;
Result = pInvAppUnk->QueryInterface (__uuidof(Application), (void **) &pInvApp);
if (FAILED(Result)) return Result;
CComPtr<Document> pDoc;
Result = pInvApp->get_ActiveDocument(&pDoc);
if (FAILED(Result)) return Result;
CComQIPtr<AssemblyDocument> pAsmDoc(pDoc);
CComPtr<AssemblyComponentDefinition> pCD;
Result = pAsmDoc->get_ComponentDefinition(&pCD);
if (FAILED(Result)) return Result;
CComPtr<AssemblyConstraints> pACs(pCD->Constraints);
CComPtr<Face> pFace1(pCD->Occurrences->Item[1]->SurfaceBodies->Item[1]->Faces->Item[1]);
CComPtr<Face> pFace2(pCD->Occurrences->Item[2]->SurfaceBodies->Item[1]->Faces->Item[1]);
CComVariant varEmpty, varReal(0.0);
// add the constraint
CComPtr<FlushConstraint> pFC;
Result = pACs->AddFlushConstraint(pFace1, pFace2, varReal, varEmpty, varEmpty,&pFC);
if (FAILED(Result)) return Result;
return true;