How do I get the list of Roles from the Vault server?
We will need to use the Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.AdminService class for this.
In my previous post I explained how to get the list of the Vault server users. Let’s continue working with the same code sample and add a ListRoles() method to our AdminSample class:
// List all roles in the database
public static void ListRoles()
using (MyVaultServiceManager mgr = new MyVaultServiceManager(
// GetAllRoles() - this is the way to get all the Roles
Role[] roles = mgr.Services.AdminService.GetAllRoles();
// Prepare a string to show the Roles in a message box
string msg = "Id | Name\n";
msg += "-------------\n";
foreach (Role role in roles)
msg += role.Id.ToString() + ": " + role.Name + "\n";
MessageBox.Show(msg, "Roles found");
// This is how we do find some arbitrary role
Role admin = FindRole(roles, "Administrator");
if (admin != null)
MessageBox.Show("Administrator role Id is "
+ admin.Id.ToString());
catch (System.Exception err)
} // try
} // using
} // ListRoles()
Also, in this piece of code we look for a role called "Administrator", for this purpose we’ve created a very simple function which iterates through the roles array:
// Find a role by its name.
// Parameters: - An array of roles;
// - Role name to find.
// Returns the found Role or null, if didn't find.
private static Role FindRole(Role[] i_roles, string i_roleName)
Role found = null;
foreach(Role role in i_roles)
if (role.Name == i_roleName)
found = role;
return found;
This is the program output showing the list of Roles that exist in Vault by default: