This sample code adds an Attribute Set containing a single Attribute to the first Edge in the Part Document. If the Edge already has the given Attribute, then it replaces with a new value.
Since the value type of an Attribute cannot be changed, if the Edge contains a different Attribute type with the same name, then first delete it and then add an Attribute with the new value.
The code below illustrates how to use Attributes from C#. It expects an open Part Document containing at least one Edge.
// attribute names
const string attributeSetName = "MyAttributeSet";
const string attributeName = "MyAttribute";
Inventor.Application app = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.
GetActiveObject("Inventor.Application") as Inventor.Application;
Inventor.PartDocument doc =
app.ActiveDocument as Inventor.PartDocument;
// Create a collection of objects
object obj = null;
Inventor.ObjectCollection objectCollection =
// Get one surface body edge
// ... you can keep on adding the objects you need to ...
// if OpenAttributeSets function does not find the given attribute
// set for an object in the collection, it creates one for it
Inventor.AttributeSetsEnumerator attributeSets =
objectCollection, attributeSetName);
// you can keep changing this to check if
// assigning the new value works fine
byte[] newData = new byte[] { 5, 8, 10 };
// attributeSets contains the attributeSet of
// each object you added to the objectCollection
// in this case only one, the first Edge
foreach (Inventor.AttributeSet attributeSet in attributeSets)
// if it throws exception, then it did not find the attribute
Inventor.Attribute attribute = attributeSet[attributeName];
// we have to initialize the array before it can be used
byte[] oldData = attribute.Value as byte[];
// if oldData is null, then it found the attribute
// but it contains a different data type
if (oldData == null)
// we'd better delete the old value with different
// data type if you want ValueType to be consistent
// with the object it stores, since we cannot change
// the attribute.ValueType(read-only)
// and then create it again with the new
// value type - by throwing exception
// (same as if the attribute wasn't there in the first place)
throw new System.Exception(
"The data type is different, " +
" and therefore the attribute has been deleted");
attribute.Value = newData;
// add the attribute with the new value
Inventor.ValueTypeEnum.kByteArrayType, newData);