Those of you tried to access the Point File Format names and their extension using Civil 3D .NET API earlier and found some issues in enumerating PointFileFormatCollection and extracting the name of the individual point file format in a DWG file, this is now resolved in Civil 3D 2015 release.
We can now iterate the PointFileFormatCollection object and extract the name as well as other associated properties like file extension etc.
Here is the C# code snippet :
Editor ed = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
Database db = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
PointFileFormatCollection ptFileFormatColls = PointFileFormatCollection.GetPointFileFormats(db);
String ptFileFormatstring = "";
//start a transaction
using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
foreach (PointFileFormat pointFileFormat in ptFileFormatColls)
ptFileFormatstring = ptFileFormatstring + "\nPoint File Format Name : "
+ pointFileFormat.Name.ToString() + " "
+ "File Extension : "
+ pointFileFormat.FileExtension.ToString();
Hope this is useful to you.