MAPTRIM is AutoCAD Map 3D's UI command. API equivalent for MAPTRIM is map_dwgtrimobj(). It is part of the C/C++ and LISP APIs. API equivalent of MAPTRIM is not yet available in .NET.
If you want to use MAPTRIM with necessary input parameters, you can build the command string and use SendCommand() or SendStringToExecute() to pump the command in AutoCAD Map 3D's command line.
Here is code snippet on how to use it for a selected layer and for all layers :
'' Using Maptrim command through SendCommand
'' in the following example 'miscellaneous0' is the layer name for selection
Dim commandStr AsString = ".maptrim " +"s " +"l " +"y " +"miscellaneous0" + vbCr +"n " + "o " + "y " + "y " + "i " + "y "
'' Using Maptrim command through SendCommand
'' this example is for all Layers
Dim commandStr AsString = ".maptrim " +"s " +"l " +"n " +"n " + "o " + "y " + "y " + "i " + "y "