First things first
If you are not aware, we have a Infraworks 360 API Pilot going on since mid last year and you can even try a small sample with Civil 3D Alignments. If you want to work with this API, contact us with more information about your needs.
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A new version of the Infraworks 360 REST API is now live! There are some cool new representations available.
First, we removed the /data/ on all URIs, which made it more simple. The objects on the model, previously known as classes, are now features, and the model object now has boundary information and proposals list.
The major addition is the Proposal representation that can be fully accessed via /model/::mode_id::/proposals/::proposal_name:: and is also available under the model representation (just a list of names).
With proposals, all the features are now listed under each proposal with models/::model_id::/proposals/::proposal_name::/::feature_name::/:feature_id::
Now the new basic structure is: models that contains proposals that contains features (e.g. roads, buildings, trees, constraints, etc).
TLS 1.2 security is required on calls to the server. If you are using .NET it should be easy, just set the security protocol with:
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
Updated .NET library and sample
To demonstrate the new and previous representations available on the API, we have remodeled the library and sample available at the Github repository. This project was also migrated to .NET 4.5 (required to support TLS 1.2) and all references migrated to newest versions (e.g. RestSharp).
Below is a quick view of the sample running with: models, proposals, features types, list and details.