It’s our pleasure to announce that Infraworks 360 now have an REST API open for developers, which creates an opportunity for you to integrate your business with this big data approach.
This tech preview will enable read access to all major objects, including roads, terrain, city furniture, buildings, pipes and others, through a dedicated sandbox server using modern REST protocols.
Below is the general architecture of the API: it will read information from the server from any custom app. It will not be hosted or access the desktop or iPad versions.
Sample demonstration
To demonstrate the benefits of this API, we created a sample web app (browser-based) that reads model data from IW360, more specifically the buildings, and connect with FourSquare to get close venues and finally use Google Maps to show to the user. This allow you to compare buildings with near venues.
The image below show the high-level architecture with the technologies and tools used to develop the sample.
Try it yourself: go to this address using your Autodesk account. To use it, first you must have Infraworks 360 models linked to your account. To do so, you’ll need the beta version, available under Autodesk Beta program. Or watch the video recording below.
You can download the source code here.
Want to join!
The program still restrict, we’re creating this API, and to start working with this API, you’ll need a key/secret pair. Please email me at augusto.goncalves[at] with your development plans for more information and how join the program.