I am in the reviewing Map 3D SDK samples and making sure that they work as they are documented to be. Here is the first sample I am worked on that I modified and tested to be working in Map 3D 2013: The Annotation Sample (MapSDK\Map Samples\Annotation).
This sample makes use of 'AcMapAnnotationManager' class to
customize the Annotation template functionality. How it works:
Load this arx application in Map.
- Open any drawing file with OD data
(This sample shows how to apply the OD field values
as labels. Or just use attached TestAnno.dwg)
- Run the command 'ANNOAPI'
- Enter annotation template name
- Select the OD table name from the
'Select OD Table' list box
- Select one or more column names from
'Select Column Names' list box
- Unless user completes the above three steps
'Create New' will not be enabled.
- Once 'Create New' button is enabled, click on
this button to create the new annotation template
- If you want to show some descriptive text
along with actual value (label) click on
'Show Field Names'. This will show the Field
Name along with Filed Value
- If the annotation template creation succeeds it also updates the
'Templates currently defined:' list box.
- Select the Template name from the 'Template currently
defined' list box and click on
- 'Remove' if you want to remove the annotation template
Remove will succeed only if there are no references
of this template in the drawing
- 'Show Info' if you want to see all the information
pertaining to the annotation template.
This includes the Attribute static or expression
values such as Layer, Color, LineWeight, Style,
Height, Rotation, Justification, Attribute Tag
and Attribute Value.
- 'Insert Annotation (OD)': To insert the annotation
text on the selected objects.
- 'Insert using Override': This is same as 'Insert
Annotation (OD)' except that it creates the annotation
text with values defined in 'AnnotationOverrides'
instead the values which are set during the
Questions welcome!