StyleConflictResolverType Enumeration specifies how to resolve conflicts (the same name for an existing style and a new imported style) when exporting styles to another drawing using StyleBase::ExportTo().
Members of StyleConflictResolverType Enumeration -
Here is a C# .NET code snippet which demonstrates how to use Autodesk.Civil.StyleConflictResolverType in resolving conflicts -
LabelStyleCollection lStyles = civilDoc.Styles.LabelStyles.PointLabelStyles.LabelStyles;
foreach (ObjectId stId in lStyles)
LabelStyle pSt = trans.GetObject(stId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LabelStyle;
// Export the style
pSt.ExportTo(outDb, Autodesk.Civil.StyleConflictResolverType.Override);
// Now export its children
for (int i = 0; i < pSt.ChildrenCount; i++)
LabelStyle chSt = trans.GetObject(pSt[i], OpenMode.ForRead) as LabelStyle;
chSt.ExportTo(outDb, Autodesk.Civil.StyleConflictResolverType.Override);
Hope this is useful to you!