Civil 3D COM API IAeccSettingsObjectLayer:: Layer gives us access to get or set the layer name on which the object is drawn. However, if we take a closer look into the Object list in the 'Object Layers' tab under "Drawing Settings" dialog box in Civil 3D, we will find there are some objects which are not covered by IAeccSettingsObjectLayers. Most likely they were added later stage by the time we shifted focus to .NET API in Civil 3D. And the good news is, most of those objects are accessible through .NET API. Here is an example:
In the above screenshot, we see Objects like "Pipe", "Pipe-Labeling". They are not accessible through COM API IAeccSettingsObjectLayers. However, we can use .NET API and access them and know the Layer name. Here is a c# code snippet:
CivilDocument civilDoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
using (Transaction ts = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database
SettingsDrawing settingsDWG = civilDoc.Settings.DrawingSettings;
String layerName = settingsDWG.ObjectLayerSettings
ed.WriteMessage("\nDrawing Settings - Object Layers - Pipe Layer Name : " + layerName);
And Result in Civil 3D 2013:
Hope this is useful to you!