AutoCAD Civil 3D Drawings are now supported on AutoCAD WS and some of you might have already seen this news in AutoCAD WS Blog page. I just played with some of the Civil 3D tutorial DWG files containing Civil 3D objects like TIN Surface, Alignment, Corridor, Pipe Network etc.
If you want to embed a link of a particular Civil 3D DWG file using <ifram> in yout HTML code or in HTM5 application, it's easy -
<iframe src=""
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
You might ask, how do I generate the link for my Civil 3D DWG file? Here are the steps -
1. Log-in to your AutoCADWS account and upload a Civil 3D DWG file.
2. Navigate to "Share" tab in the Ribbon and use the "Get link to Share" button as shown in the screenshot below -
You can use the same URL in your src attribute of <iframe> tag.
Partha Sarkar