I am trying to use the _MAPExtractFeatureGeometry from SendStringToExecute() function and I want to pass in a selection set containing a Feature.
I have used Geospatial Platform API and MgSelectionBase to create a selection set of features which works fine as I could highlight the selected feature. But subsequently when I use _MAPExtractFeatureGeometry from SendStringToExecute(), I get a response 'there is no selection set'. I am trying to avoid the user intervention to select a feature on screen. How do I create an AutoCAD selection set from the Map 3D Platform Selection set (MgSelectionBase) ?
Here is a C# .NET code snippet demonstrating the same –
// Select using API
AcMapMap currentMap = AcMapMap.GetCurrentMap();
MgLayerCollection layers = currentMap.GetLayers();
MgLayerBase layer = layers.GetItem("Parcels");
MgFeatureService fs = AcMapServiceFactory.GetService(MgServiceType.FeatureService) as MgFeatureService;
string fsId = layer.GetFeatureSourceId();
string className = layer.GetFeatureClassName();
MgFeatureQueryOptions query = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
// Parcels.shp file is used
query.SetFilter("FeatId = 166");
MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(fsId);
MgFeatureReader featureReader = fs.SelectFeatures(resId, className, query);
MgSelectionBase selectionSet = new MgSelectionBase(currentMap);
//Add all features in the feature reader to the newly constructed selection set
selectionSet.AddFeatures(layer, featureReader, 0);
// create an AutoCAD selection
SelectionSet acadSelSet = AcMapFeatureEntityService.AddFeaturesToSelectionSet(null, selectionSet);
// force this selection to be the implied selection
.SendStringToExecute("_MAPExtractFeatureGeometry ", true, false, true);
Hope this is useful to you!