By Partha Sarkar
When you select a COGO Point in Civil 3D Model space and look into the Properties dialog, under "Data" node, there is "Survey Point" property and with a value True or False. If the COGO Point is part of Survey Database, it will be shown as 'True' -
Similarly, if the COGO Point is from Vault Project Points, You would see associated 'Project version' in OPM window -
We can use the following CogoPoint properties to find out if it is Survey Point, project point or normal COGO point object created in the Civil 3D drawing file.
CogoPoint.IsSurveyPoint property indicates whether this Cogo Point is a Survey Point.
CogoPoint.IsProjectPoint property indicates whether the CogoPoint is a project point.
Here is the relevant C# code snippet :
//open the COGO Point
CogoPoint cogoPoint = trans.GetObject(per.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead) as CogoPoint;
// Access COGO Point Properties
// CogoPoint.IsSurveyPoint property indicates whether this Cogo Point is a Survey Point
if (cogoPoint.IsSurveyPoint)
// DO your stuff
ed.WriteMessage("\nSelected COGO Point is a Survey Point");
// CogoPoint.IsProjectPoint property indicates whether the CogoPoint is a project point
// i.e. if the COGO point is from Vault Project Points
else if (cogoPoint.IsProjectPoint)
// DO your stuff
ed.WriteMessage("\nSelected COGO Point is a Project Point");
// normal COGO point object created in the Civil 3D drawing file
// DO your stuff
ed.WriteMessage("\nSelected COGO Point is neither Survey nor Project Point");
Hope this is useful to you!