Many a times you want to add Object Data to entities in DWG file using Map 3D API. Using Map 3D C++ API or .NET API we can add object data to entities. Here is a VB.NET code snippet which shows how to add Object Data to a selected entity in AutoCAD Map 3D. One thing to note here - when you use AddRecord(record As Autodesk.Gis.Map.ObjectData.Record, dbObj As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.DBObject) make sure that DBObject is open for write, otherwise you are likely to see an exception message.
Dim ed As Editor = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
Dim prompt_result As PromptEntityResult = ed.GetEntity(vbCrLf + "Select the object...")
id = prompt_result.ObjectId
Dim dbObj As DBObject = trans.GetObject(id, Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForWrite)
'' Presuming OD Table "MyTestODTable" exist in the DWG file
odTable = odTables.Item("MyTestODTable")
Dim odrecords As ObjectData.Records = odTable.GetObjectTableRecords(Convert.ToUInt32(0), id, Constants.OpenMode.OpenForRead, False)
Dim odRecord As ObjectData.Record = odrecords.Item(0)
odRecord = Autodesk.Gis.Map.ObjectData.Record.Create()
Dim mapVal As Autodesk.Gis.Map.Utilities.MapValue
'' Add a Record and assign a value to it
mapVal = odRecord(0)
mapVal = odRecord(1)
' dbObj should be opened for Write, otherwise
odTable.AddRecord(odRecord, dbObj)
Catch exc As Autodesk.Gis.Map.MapException
MsgBox("Error : " + exc.Message.ToString())
End Try
And here is the result :