As part of our Forge platform updates announced in June at the Forge DevCon, we have now adopted StackOverflow as the primary portal for discussion of and support for all Autodesk Forge APIs. As a result, we will be closing down the 'View And Data' and 'AutoCAD I/O' forums on in the very near future. Please ask your questions on StackOverflow from now on. Those forums have now been set to not allow new posts, but will continue to allow updates to existing threads - so we can finish off any outstanding discussions. In due course, we will switch the forum to entirely read-only.
Please visit for information on how to tag your questions on StackOverflow so that the Forge Team can find and answer them, and also for details of how to contact us if you're not getting the answers you need there or if you have a question that is not appropriate for StackOverflow. (Note - The 'Get Help' page displays more information when you're logged in to the page with your Autodesk Id).
A big thank you to all of you who have been helping out your peers via this forum. I hope that you will continue to contribute your wisdom via StackOverflow.
Thank you.
I was looking through the code walk throughs and found it a little more advanced than what i would like. is there a more simplified version available?
Posted by: BKSpurgeon | 02/28/2017 at 04:38 PM