If you’ve been thinking about developing on the Autodesk® Forge Platform, Autodesk’s new cloud platform, or on Autodesk® Fusion 360™—or, if you’re just curious about learning more about these technologies and what they could do to help your business or your career—join us for our upcoming free online hackathon. This is our fourth online hackathon and you are welcome to participate in all or any part of it.
The Autodesk® App Store Forge and Fusion 360® Hackathon is an online event which consists of two segments:
- A series of web training and open Q&A sessions related to the Autodesk Forge platform and Fusion 360 - open to anyone interested in learning about these APIs.
- An online hackathon where developers can develop new apps on the Forge platform or on Fusion 360 for submission to Autodesk App Store.
We know that learning and implementing something new takes time and often gets put off so we’ve designed this event to give you the support you need - as well as a financial incentive - to motivate you to learn the APIs and publish your app on the Forge platform or on Fusion 360 in the Autodesk App Store. It will make taking action to publish apps simple and feasible.
The training webinars will help familiarize you with the Forge platform and in the open Q&A sessions you’ll have the opportunity to receive help in real-time from the Autodesk team answering your questions to help you develop your app(s). For all such new apps submitted to the Autodesk App Store by midnight on October 31, 2016 and accepted for publication in the store by November 30, 2016, each entrant of the Hackathon will receive US$ 500 for one eligible app per entrant.
You may attend the educational webinars without publishing an app. Click here for Webinar only registration or get full details and register for the Hackathon at http://autodeskforge.devpost.com. If you register for the Hackathon you will automatically be registered for the webinars. They will be recorded so that you can view them at your convenience.
Visit the pages on the Hackathon website to learn more about the opportunities and resources for developing on Forge, Fusion 360 and publishing in the Autodesk App Store and if you have questions send us an email.