By Madhukar Moogala
In the world of CAD (Computer-Aided Design), precision is key.
AutoCAD provides developers with powerful tools to manipulate objects and dimensions programmatically. One of the
most critical concepts in AutoCAD development is the use of coordinate systems. This blog post will guide you
through the process of working with the User Coordinate
System (UCS) and creating ordinate dimensions using the AutoCAD .NET API.
Understanding Coordinate Systems in AutoCAD
AutoCAD operates using two main coordinate systems: the World Coordinate System (WCS) and the
User Coordinate System (UCS).
World Coordinate System (WCS): This is the fixed global coordinate system in AutoCAD. All
points, lines, and objects are placed relative to the WCS by default.
User Coordinate System (UCS): UCS allows you to define a custom coordinate system, aligning
objects, views, or dimensions to any plane or orientation in 3D space. It’s particularly useful when
working with objects at odd angles or creating dimensions aligned to specific geometric features.
By transforming points and objects to UCS, you can create more flexible and intuitive designs, and AutoCAD’s
.NET API provides all the necessary tools to do this programmatically.
Exploring Ordinate Dimensions
Ordinate dimensions are used to measure the X or Y coordinates of a point in a drawing. Unlike
linear dimensions, ordinate dimensions don’t rely on start and end points. Instead, they measure the position
relative to a predefined origin—making them perfect for designs that require a high degree of coordinate
accuracy, such as mechanical parts or assembly plans.
AutoCAD’s .NET API allows developers to create and customize ordinate dimensions with precision, ensuring
that the correct values are displayed in the right locations.
Code Walkthrough: Creating and Manipulating UCS and Ordinate Dimensions
Now that we understand the concepts, let's dive into some code.
1. Setting Up the UCS
In AutoCAD, we can define a custom UCS and apply it to a viewport. This allows for precise control over the
orientation of the drawing, aligning it with the real-world axes or a specific plane.
Here’s how we create a UCS programmatically and apply it to a viewport:
public static void TestDimOrdinate()
var doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
var db = doc.Database;
var ed = doc.Editor;
using (var tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
// Access the BlockTable and UCS Table
var bt = (BlockTable)tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);
var ucsTbl = (UcsTable)tr.GetObject(db.UcsTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);
UcsTableRecord ucstr;
if (!ucsTbl.Has("TestUcs"))
ucstr = new UcsTableRecord { Name = "TestUcs" };
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ucstr, true);
ucstr = (UcsTableRecord)tr.GetObject(ucsTbl["TestUcs"], OpenMode.ForWrite);
// Define the UCS origin and axes
ucstr.Origin = Point3d.Origin;
ucstr.XAxis = new Vector3d(1, 1, 0);
ucstr.YAxis = new Vector3d(-1, 1, 0);
// Apply UCS to the active viewport
var vptr = (ViewportTableRecord)tr.GetObject(ed.ActiveViewportId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
Here, we create a new UCS named "TestUcs"
, define its origin, X-axis, and Y-axis, and apply it to the
active viewport. This UCS is then used to place ordinate dimensions based on the user’s input points.
2. Handling User Input and Transforming Points
To place ordinate dimensions, we first need to gather two points from the user and transform them from the WCS into
the current UCS:
PromptPointOptions pPtOpts = new PromptPointOptions("");
Point3d[] point3Ds = new Point3d[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
pPtOpts.Message = $"\nEnter point {i + 1}: ";
var pPtRes = doc.Editor.GetPoint(pPtOpts);
if (pPtRes.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
doc.Editor.WriteMessage("\nPoint input was canceled or invalid.");
point3Ds[i] = pPtRes.Value;
// Transform points to UCS
Matrix3d activeUCS = ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem;
Point3d ucsDp = point3Ds[0].TransformBy(activeUCS);
Point3d ucsLp = point3Ds[1].TransformBy(activeUCS);
This code collects two points from the user, transforming them from WCS to UCS using TransformBy()
3. Fixing Angles and Floating-Point Precision
When dealing with floating-point operations, tiny precision errors can lead to discrepancies in different systems.
To address this, we normalize angles to ensure they fall within the [0, 2π]
range and fix
close-to-zero negative values:
const double ANGLE_EPSILON = 1E-15;
public static bool IsNearZero(double num)
return num < ANGLE_EPSILON && num > -ANGLE_EPSILON;
public static double FixAngle(double angle)
const double TWOPI = 2 * Math.PI;
double retang = angle / TWOPI;
retang = (retang - (int)retang) * TWOPI;
if (retang < 0 && IsNearZero(retang))
retang = 0.0;
if (retang < 0.0) retang += TWOPI;
if (retang >= TWOPI) retang -= TWOPI;
return retang;
Here, we ensure angles like -2E-16
are unified to zero, addressing differences in floating-point
precision across different architectures.
Though AutoCAD is designed for x64-based processor architectures only as of today, sake of brevity
other architectures like ARM
4. Creating Ordinate Dimensions
Finally, we can create ordinate dimensions based on the transformed points:
double rotation = UserToLocalAngle(activeUCS.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis, activeUCS.CoordinateSystem3d.Xaxis);
OrdinateDimension ordDim = new OrdinateDimension
DefiningPoint = ucsDp,
LeaderEndPoint = ucsLp,
Normal = activeUCS.CoordinateSystem3d.Xaxis.CrossProduct(activeUCS.CoordinateSystem3d.Yaxis),
UsingXAxis = false,
DimensionStyle = db.Dimstyle,
HorizontalRotation = -rotation
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ordDim, true);
This snippet defines an ordinate dimension using the points transformed into UCS, sets its dimension style, and
applies the necessary rotation to ensure the dimension aligns correctly with the current UCS.
Note: we are setting a rotation angle to the dimension, so the Ordinate Dimension is correctly aligned with
This is the angle from the dimension's positive horizontal axis (which is the X axis of the UCS in effect when the
dimension was created) to the X axis of the dimension's OCS (as defined by the dimension's normal vector and the
arbitrary axis algorithm). Positive angles are counterclockwise when looking down the OCS Z axis towards the OCS
The dimension's positive horizontal axis direction is used as the default left-to-right direction for the dimension
Common Pitfalls and Best Practices
Handling Floating-Point Precision:
- Small errors can accumulate when performing geometric calculations. Always normalize your values and use an
epsilon threshold for comparing floating-point numbers.
Working with UCS:
- Always ensure you’re transforming points to the correct coordinate system before performing
operations. This avoids misalignment issues, especially when working in 3D space.
Testing on Different Architectures *:
- Differences in floating-point precision between architectures (Intel vs ARM) can affect calculations.
Normalize close-to-zero values to avoid discrepancies.
In this blog, we’ve explored how to create and manipulate UCS in AutoCAD using the .NET API, gathering user
input, fixing floating-point precision issues, and creating ordinate dimensions. Understanding these concepts allows
developers to create more complex and accurate drawings programmatically, especially when precision is essential.
Experiment with the provided code, and see how you can enhance your AutoCAD projects by harnessing the power of the
UCS and the .NET API. Happy coding!
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