By Madhukar
You need to derive from this class(AcDbDynamicUCSPE) in order to enable Dynamic UCS switching for your custom objects or for other core objects.
By default, the core DUCS code will call this protocol extension on
objects under the cursor during the initial point acquisition in
DUCS-enabled command.
Derived classes must override and implement
And, also if you don’t implement AutoCAD Solid’s and it derived entities
can participate in dynamic UCS using the default
, this protocol extension is
always registered by AcDb during startup. So, unless some other app
has explicitly removed or replaced it, it will always be in place for
AcDb3dSolids and classes derived from that.
There's also an AcDbEntityDynamicUCSPE
protocol extension
that's added at the AcDbEntity level to provide a default implementation
for all classes.
is only called for entities that have
subentities. For such entities, it is called once for each subentity
with the subentId argument being the id of the subent for which it is
being called.
For entities that don't have subentities, the
protocol extension base class
should be used, and its getCandidatePlane()
method will be called.
Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkUCSPE::getCandidatePlanes(
AcArray& results,
double& distToEdge,
double& objWidth,
double& objHeight,
AcDbEntity* pEnt,
const AcDbSubentId& subentId,
const AcGePlane& viewplane,
AcDbDynamicUCSPE::Flags flags) const
Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eInvalidInput;
if (!pEnt)
return es;
// Check if User selected custom Solid plane, we are not doing anything here, just to make sure
//Debugger hits us, ideally we are expected to populate the result array
// with one or more AcGePlane objects and return Acad::eOk if successful.
CMyBox* pSolid = CMyBox::cast(pEnt);
if (!VERIFY(pSolid != NULL))
return Acad::eInvalidInput;
AcDb::SubentType seType = subentId.type();
if (seType != AcDb::kFaceSubentType)
return Acad::eWrongSubentityType;
AcDbFullSubentPath facePath(pEnt->objectId(), subentId);
std::auto_ptr pFaceSubEnt;
if (pFaceSubEnt.get() &&
AcDbRegion* reg = AcDbRegion::cast(pFaceSubEnt.get());
assert(reg != NULL);
if (!reg)
return (Acad::eWrongObjectType);
AcGePlane entPlane;
AcDb::Planarity kPanarity;
es = reg->getPlane(entPlane, kPanarity);
//- Test for intersection
// between the circle's plane and Zaxis of viewplane
AcGeLine3d line;
AcGePoint3d intersectPnt;
if (entPlane.intersectWith(line, intersectPnt) == Adesk::kTrue)
AcDbExtents extents;
if (reg->getGeomExtents(extents) != Acad::eOk)
return (Acad::eInvalidInput);
const double diagonal = extents.minPoint().
objWidth = diagonal;
objHeight = diagonal;
//- now calculate closest edge to the intersection point
//- and set the origin and X axis accordingly
AcGePoint3d origin;
AcGeVector3d xAxis, yAxis;
entPlane.getCoordSystem(origin, xAxis, yAxis);
distToEdge = origin.distanceTo(intersectPnt);
AcGePlane newPlane(entPlane);
return Acad::eOk;
return Acad::eNotApplicable;
return Acad::eNotApplicable;
Demo and source code
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