There is an internal discussion that came up about scripting 3DDWF, the current command 3DDWF invokes a dialog to save the filename of the export model. The dialogs interrupt automation flow, to bypass and enable automation fluidity, here is the simple scriptable command.
The code employees function pointer (getSymbolAddress ) technique allows retrieving the address of an exported function from the specified dynamic-link library (DLL).
#define PUBLISH_DLL _T("AcPublish.crx")
#define PUBLISH_SVC _T("AdskPublish")
typedef void (*EXPORT3DDWF)(bool, const ACHAR*, int);
void dwgoutcli(){
TCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
int res = acedGetString(1, _T("\nPlease input the DWFX file name: "), fileName);
if (res != RTNORM){
bool bCancelled = false;
int isFromCLI = 1;
if (!acrxServiceIsRegistered(PUBLISH_SVC)) {
if (!acrxDynamicLinker->loadModule(PUBLISH_DLL, false, true))
// Get the address of the export3dDWF service.
EXPORT3DDWF pFunc = (EXPORT3DDWF) acrxDynamicLinker->
getSymbolAddress(PUBLISH_SVC, "export3dDWF");
if (pFunc == NULL) {
pFunc(bCancelled, fileName, isFromCLI);