When you make a new Layout a new Page Setup called *Layout1*
You see the printable area in Layout. This is a dashed rectangle.
In order to remove that rectangles you set the option via UI:
Go to TOOLS > OPTIONS > DISPLAY > LAYOUT ELEMENTS > Uncheck "Display printable area"
or to do the same in API
void turnOffPrintableArea() { AcApLayoutManager* pApLayoutMgr = (AcApLayoutManager*)acdbHostApplicationServices()->layoutManager(); if (pApLayoutMgr != NULL) { pApLayoutMgr->setShowPaperMargins(false); pApLayoutMgr->updateCurrentPaper(); } }
Unfortunately, the interface AcApLayoutManager for application-specific routines that manipulate, access AcDbLayout objects and controls layout related GUI attributes is not exposed to NET.