By Deepak Nadig
In your workflow of using Editor.GetEntity you may sometimes want to retrieve
all the co-ordinates of pickpoint used to select the entity.
For example consider the following case by constructing a circle at point (0,0,5) and radius 5 on WCS XY-plane with top view.
On selecting a point on circle using Editor.GetEntity, PromptEntityResult.PickedPoint returns : (3.50064192661003 , 3.35618169844321 , 0)
To get all the co-ordinates,it may be useful to change the point to nearest snap mode using Editor.Snap that returns the Z co-ordinate as well.
[CommandMethod("getEntityPickPoint")] public static void getEntityPickPoint() { Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Editor ed = doc.Editor; PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect Entity"); PromptEntityResult per = ed.GetEntity(peo); if (per.Status == PromptStatus.OK) { Point3d pickedPoint = per.PickedPoint; Point3d pickedPtOsnap = ed.Snap("_near", pickedPoint); ed.WriteMessage("\n Selected pick point: {0}", pickedPoint.ToString()); ed.WriteMessage("\n Selected Picked Point Osnap near: {0}", pickedPtOsnap); } }
Select Entity:
Selected pick point: (3.50064192661003,3.35618169844321,0)
Selected Picked Point Osnap near: (3.60921996485993,3.46027907043009,5)
More about object osnaps :