This form post inspired me to write this post, coincidently there was internal discussion on similar subject.
When you use _COPYBASE with certain base point, the selected objects are copied in to a temp destination drawing, this temp drawing holds the INSBASE sysvar with given base point.
This program attempts to tap that when you perform a _PASTEORG in another drawing.
Thanks to Joel Petersen, for suggesting this idea
public class EntryPoint : IExtensionApplication { public void Initialize() { var ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; var curDb = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; var docs = Application.DocumentManager; docs.DocumentCreated += Docs_DocumentCreated; docs.DocumentToBeDestroyed += Docs_DocumentToBeDestroyed; } private void Docs_DocumentToBeDestroyed(object sender, DocumentCollectionEventArgs e) { MyCommands.DisableDBEvents(e.Document.Database); } private void Docs_DocumentCreated(object sender, DocumentCollectionEventArgs e) { MyCommands.EnableDBEvents(e.Document.Database); } public void Terminate() { } } public static class MyCommands { //Utils: public static void PrintToCmdLine(string str) { Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; ed.WriteMessage(str); } public static string ObjToTypeAndHandleStr(DBObject dbObj) { Debug.Assert(dbObj != null); string str1 = dbObj.GetType().Name; return string.Format("< {0,-20} {1,4} >", str1, dbObj.Handle.ToString()); } public static string ObjToTypeAndHandleStr(ObjectId objId) { string str; if (objId.IsNull) str = "(null)"; else { // open up even if erased Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager tm = objId.Database.TransactionManager; using (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Transaction tr = tm.StartTransaction()) { DBObject tmpObj = tr.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead, true); str = ObjToTypeAndHandleStr(tmpObj); tr.Commit(); } } return str; } public static string PtToStr(Point3d pt, DistanceUnitFormat unitType, int prec) { string x = Converter.DistanceToString(pt.X, unitType, prec); string y = Converter.DistanceToString(pt.Y, unitType, prec); string z = Converter.DistanceToString(pt.Z, unitType, prec); return string.Format("({0}, {1}, {2})", x, y, z); } public static void EnableDBEvents(Database db) { db.BeginDeepClone += CurDb_BeginDeepClone; db.BeginInsert += Db_BeginInsert; } public static void DisableDBEvents(Database db) { db.BeginDeepClone -= CurDb_BeginDeepClone; db.BeginInsert -= Db_BeginInsert; } private static void Db_BeginInsert(object sender, BeginInsertEventArgs e) { Database db = e.From; PrintToCmdLine("Insert origin Point"+ PtToStr(db.Insbase, DistanceUnitFormat.Current, -1)); } private static void CurDb_BeginDeepClone(object sender, IdMappingEventArgs e) { if (e.IdMapping.DeepCloneContext == DeepCloneType.Explode) { IdMapping idMap = e.IdMapping; System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = idMap.GetEnumerator(); while (iter.MoveNext()) { IdPair pair = (IdPair)iter.Current; try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ObjToTypeAndHandleStr(pair.Key)); sb.Append(pair.Key.ToString()); sb.Append("\n" + pair.Value.ToString()); sb.Append("\n" + pair.IsCloned.ToString()); sb.Append("\n" + pair.IsPrimary.ToString()); sb.Append("\n" + pair.IsOwnerTranslated.ToString()); PrintToCmdLine(sb.ToString()); } catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex) { PrintToCmdLine("Couldn't add a pair from the map: " + ex.Message); } } } } }
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