Having Solid’s with invalid shape manager object is always prone to fatal crash it is suggested to check the sanity of underlying shape manager object for a given AcDb3dSolid.
You can check using SOLIDEDIT command.
;51 is Handle of the solid entity (command "._solidedit" "B" "C" "51" "X" "X")
With API
Acad::ErrorStatus selectEntity(AcDbObjectId& eId) { ads_name en; ads_point pt; ads_entsel(_T("\nSelect an entity: "), en, pt); return acdbGetObjectId(eId, en); } void solidCheckForValidASM() { AcDbObjectId solId = AcDbObjectId::kNull; if (!eOkVerify(selectEntity(solId))) return; AcDbSmartObjectPointer pSolid(solId, AcDb::kForRead); if (!eOkVerify(pSolid.openStatus())) return; //Get access underlying raw pointer if (nullptr == pSolid.object()) return; std::unique_ptr pEnt(new AcBrBrep()); //pass raw pointer to BREP API if(pEnt->set(*pSolid.object())!= AcBr::eOk) return; bool isGoodAsmBody = pEnt->checkEntity(); if (!isGoodAsmBody) { acedAlert(_T("Null or Invalid Shape Manager")); } return; }
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