Using BREP API it is fairly straightforward to retrieve the adjacent faces from a particular edge in a 3dsolid.
We will use Boundary Loop to get all the loops consuming the edge, from Loop we can get associated Face.
static public void GetAdjacentFaces() { Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Editor ed = doc.Editor; PromptKeywordOptions pko = new PromptKeywordOptions( "\nSpecify sub-entity selection type:"); pko.AllowNone = false; pko.Keywords.Add("Edge"); pko.Keywords.Default = "Edge"; PromptResult pkr = ed.GetKeywords(pko); if (pkr.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return; //User selection is Edge SubentityType subentityType = SubentityType.Edge; //Enable force pick sub-selection PromptSelectionOptions pso = new PromptSelectionOptions(); pso.MessageForAdding = "\nSelect solid " + pkr.StringResult + ": "; pso.SingleOnly = true; pso.SinglePickInSpace = true; pso.ForceSubSelections = true; PromptSelectionResult psr = ed.GetSelection(pso); if (psr.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return; SelectionSet ss = psr.Value; SelectedObject so = ss[0]; if (!so.ObjectId.ObjectClass.IsDerivedFrom( RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Solid3d)))) { ed.WriteMessage( "\nYou didn't select a solid, please try again..."); return; } //To store adjacent Faces List<SubentityId> faceIds = new List<SubentityId>(); using (Transaction Tx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { Solid3d solid = Tx.GetObject(so.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Solid3d; SelectedSubObject[] sso = so.GetSubentities(); //Checks that selected type matches keyword selection if (subentityType != sso[0].FullSubentityPath.SubentId.Type) { ed.WriteMessage("\nInvalid Subentity Type: " + sso[0].FullSubentityPath.SubentId.Type + ", please try again..."); return; } SubentityId subentityId = sso[0].FullSubentityPath.SubentId; //Creates subentity path to use with GetSubentity FullSubentityPath subEntityPath = new FullSubentityPath( new ObjectId[] { solid.ObjectId }, subentityId); //Returns a non-database resident entity //that represents the subentity using (Entity entity = solid.GetSubentity(subEntityPath)) { ed.WriteMessage("\nSubentity Entity Type: " + entity.ToString()); } //Creates entity path to generate Brep object from it FullSubentityPath entityPath = new FullSubentityPath( new ObjectId[] { solid.ObjectId }, new SubentityId(SubentityType.Null, IntPtr.Zero)); using (Edge edge = new Edge(subEntityPath)) { if (subentityType == SubentityType.Edge) { if (subentityId == edge.SubentityPath.SubentId) { ed.WriteMessage("\nCurve: " + edge.Curve.ToString()); //Now color the adjacent faces. foreach(BoundaryLoop loop in edge.Loops) { //For simplest loop,outward loop is our interest if(loop.LoopType ==LoopType.LoopExterior) { AcBr.Face face = loop.Face; faceIds.Add(face.SubentityPath.SubentId); } } if(faceIds.Count > 1) foreach (SubentityId subentId in faceIds) { Color col = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByColor, 1); solid.SetSubentityColor(subentId, col); } } } } Tx.Commit(); } }
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