In this post we will discuss about cropping a point cloud, first we will look at how we can attach a point cloud from *.rcs which is an Autodesk Recap Scan File.
Later, in the code we will crop the attached Point Cloud, I will add two types of cropping boundary namely, Rectangular and Circular.
The core logic of cropping is to ensure giving the proper cropping plane and cropping points that fits within cropping boundary.
The other elements in API used is self explanatory.
namespace PointCloudData { public class Class1 { //Get RCP file from Solution Directory private static string getPCFile() { /* SolutionFolder │ ├───bin └───Debug │ assembly.dll */ var assemblyLoc = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var debugFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyLoc); var binFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(debugFolder); var solutionFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(binFolder); var FilePath = solutionFolder + "\\MyOfficeRoom.rcs"; return FilePath; } //Write to Editor private static void Report(string v) { Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; ed.WriteMessage("\n" + v); } public static ObjectId AttachPointCloudEx(string filename, double scale, double rotation) { Point3d location = new Point3d(0, 0, 0); Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; ObjectId objid = PointCloudEx.AttachPointCloud(filename, location, scale, rotation, db); if (objid.IsNull) Report("\nFail to get object id of attach point cloud"+ "by PointCloudEx.AttacPointCloud API"); return objid; } //Cropping Logic // public static ErrorStatus addcropping(PointCloudEx pointcloud, PointCloudCropType type, Point3d pt1, Point3d pt2, bool bInside, bool bInverted) { PointCloudCrop crop = PointCloudCrop.Create(IntPtr.Zero); if (crop == null) Report("\nFail to create crop by pointcloudcrop.Create method"); Point3dCollection points = new Point3dCollection(); points.Add(pt1); points.Add(pt2); crop.Vertices = points; //In SW Isometric View or OrthoGraphic View Vector3d norm = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0); Plane cropPlane = new Plane(pt1, norm); crop.CropPlane = cropPlane; crop.CropType = type; crop.Inside = bInside; crop.Inverted = bInverted; pointcloud.addCroppingBoundary(crop); return ErrorStatus.OK; } [CommandMethod("CropPC")] public static void CropPC() { //attach point cloud into the drawing Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; ObjectId objid = AttachPointCloudEx(getPCFile(), 1.0, 0.0); Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; //get the point cloud object using (Transaction t = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { ViewTableRecord activeVTR = ed.GetCurrentView() as ViewTableRecord; //Set VS Preset to Realistic, in Wireframe PC Attach is not supported. DBDictionary dict = t.GetObject(db.VisualStyleDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForRead) as DBDictionary; activeVTR.VisualStyleId = dict.GetAt("Realistic"); ed.SetCurrentView(activeVTR); ed.UpdateTiledViewportsFromDatabase(); PointCloudEx pcloudex = t.GetObject(objid, OpenMode.ForWrite) as PointCloudEx; //Add two cropping to the point cloud Point3d crop1_pt1 = new Point3d(-7.0, 12.0, 0); Point3d crop1_pt2 = new Point3d(-4.0, 9.0, 0); Point3d crop2_pt1 = new Point3d(3.5, 15.0, 0); Point3d crop2_pt2 = new Point3d(6.0, 13.0, 0); /*Cropping PC in not supported in PerspectiveView*/ if (activeVTR.PerspectiveEnabled) { activeVTR.PerspectiveEnabled = false; } //Rectangle - first corner point, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and first corner point again. addcropping(pcloudex, PointCloudCropType.Rectangular, crop1_pt1, crop1_pt2, false, false); //Circular - there are 2 points, center point and any point which is on the circle's circumference. addcropping(pcloudex, PointCloudCropType.Circular, crop2_pt1, crop2_pt2, false, true); //show Cropping pcloudex.ShowCropped = true; //Now lets us traversing list of croppings for (int Index = 0; Index < pcloudex.getCroppingCount(); Index++) { //Retrieving Croptype PointCloudCrop tmpcrop = pcloudex.getPointCloudCropping(Index); Report(tmpcrop.CropType.ToString()); } //Zoom the View to PC Extents using (ViewTableRecord vtr = new ViewTableRecord()) { vtr.CenterPoint = new Point2d(pcloudex.Location.X, pcloudex.Location.Z); Extents3d extents = pcloudex.GeomExtents; Point2d min2d = new Point2d(extents.MinPoint.X, extents.MinPoint.Y); Point2d max2d = new Point2d(extents.MaxPoint.X, extents.MaxPoint.Y); vtr.Height = max2d.Y - min2d.Y; vtr.Width = max2d.X - min2d.X; vtr.Target = activeVTR.Target; ed.SetCurrentView(vtr); } t.Commit(); } } } }
Source project can be downloaded from here
Note: I intentionally didn’t upload Pointcloud file (*.rcs), as it is bulky size.
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