By Deepak Nadig
Here is a method to add highlight overrules to selected objects only. Interactively on highlighting the objects to which overrules are added,color needs to change
The code sample below adds the HighlightOverrrule to selected objects and also enables to set highlight color to each object after adding the overrule
To test:
1) First, run the 'SelectObjectsToAddOverrule' command, to select the required objects.
_hlOverRule.SetIdFilter(ids.ToArray()) will restrict addition of overrule to the selected objects only. Color of the selected objects will be changed to red during and after selection(_colorIndex =1)
2) Set the colorIndex value by running the command ' ChangeHighlightColor' . Now, interactively highlight any selected object to see color change
(Note : Interactively, highlighting objects which were not selected,will have no effect as overrule is not added to them)
public class MyHighlightOverrule : HighlightOverrule
private int _colorIndex = 1;
private int _oldColorIndex;
public MyHighlightOverrule()
AddOverrule(RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Entity)), this, true);
public int ColorIndex
set { _colorIndex = value; }
get { return _colorIndex; }
public override void Highlight(Entity entity, FullSubentityPath subId, bool highlightAll)
Database db = entity.Database;
Document dwg = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
using (DocumentLock dl = dwg.LockDocument())
using (Transaction tran = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
_oldColorIndex = entity.ColorIndex;
entity.ColorIndex = _colorIndex;
base.Highlight(entity, subId, highlightAll);
public class Commands
private static MyHighlightOverrule _hlOverRule = null;
public void SelectObjectsToAddOverrule()
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
Transaction tr = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
using (tr)
if (_hlOverRule == null)
_hlOverRule = new MyHighlightOverrule();
// Loop until or completed
List<ObjectId> ids = new List<ObjectId>();
List<FullSubentityPath> paths = new List<FullSubentityPath>();
PromptNestedEntityResult rs;
rs = ed.GetNestedEntity(String.Format("\nSelect entity to highlight color"));
if (rs.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
FullSubentityPath path = FullSubentityPath.Null;
path = GetSubEntityPath(rs);
if (path != FullSubentityPath.Null)
} while (rs.Status == PromptStatus.OK);
private static FullSubentityPath GetSubEntityPath(PromptNestedEntityResult rs)
// Extract relevant information from the prompt object
ObjectId selId = rs.ObjectId;
List<ObjectId> objIds = new List<ObjectId>(rs.GetContainers());
// Reverse the "containers" list
// Now append the selected entity
// Retrieve the sub-entity path for this entity
SubentityId subEnt = new SubentityId(SubentityType.Null, System.IntPtr.Zero);
FullSubentityPath path = new FullSubentityPath(objIds.ToArray(), subEnt);
// Open the outermost container, relying on the open transaction...
Entity ent = objIds[0].GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as Entity;
// ... and highlight the nested entity
if (ent == null)
return FullSubentityPath.Null;
// Return the sub-entity path
return path;
public void ChangeHighlightColor()
Document dwg = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.
Editor ed = dwg.Editor;
PromptIntegerOptions opt = new PromptIntegerOptions(
"\nEnter color index (a number form 0 to 7):");
PromptIntegerResult res = ed.GetInteger(opt);
if (res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
_hlOverRule.ColorIndex = res.Value;
Screencast of the code testing is below :
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