We will discuss few workarounds to tackle the problem with the creation of an off-screen View in .NET,
For C++ interested user, following comprehensive sample should help.
Problem 1:
The problem is that the off-screen view that I have to create looks as a "mirror" or "upside down" of the initial view that i want to render.
Workaround: Currently .NET API gives in-correct results, to work around the behaviour, use
using (Bitmap bitmap = offscreenView.RenderToImage(mySettings, myRectangle))
if (File.Exists("D:\\Temp\\RenderTestImage.Jpg"))
bitmap.Save("D:\\Temp\\RenderTestImage.Jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Problem 2:
How to enable the SUN for my off-screen view.
public void RND()
Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Database acDb = acDoc.Database;
Editor ed = acDoc.Editor;
/*Turn on SUN*/
// Application.SetSystemVariable("SUNSTATUS", 1);
ViewportTableRecord vport = null;
Sun sun = new Sun();
sun.IsOn = true;
using (Transaction acTrans = acDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
vport = (ViewportTableRecord)acTrans.GetObject(acDoc.Editor.ActiveViewportId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point2d myScreenSize = (Point2d)Application.GetSystemVariable("screensize");
double myWidth = myScreenSize.X;
double myHeight = myScreenSize.Y;
if (File.Exists("D:\\Temp\\RndImage.bmp"))
ed.Command("_render", "", "render", myWidth.ToString(), myHeight.ToString(), "yes", "D:\\Temp\\RndImage.bmp");
I have not used renderToImage API, as of now, when SUN is enabled, rendering on off-screen does not display the effects of Sun, hence above workaround is proposed now.