Recently, a developer wanted to modify the sample code from here to create split model space viewports and set different orthographic view in each of them. Here is a sample code to do that. The below code creates four split modelspace viewports. When creating the new ViewportTableRecords that represent the newly created split viewports, its view parameters are set from the active ViewportTableRecord. This ensures that the ViewportTableRecord is correctly setup for us to set the orthographic view. Finally, each modelspace viewport is zoomed to extents. Here is a screenshot of the resulting viewport arrangement.
// Create 4 split modelspace viewports,
// set different orthographic view direction in each
// and zoom to extents.
[CommandMethod("SplitMVP" )]
public static void SplitAndSetViewModelViewports()
Document doc
= Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Database db = doc.Database;
db.UpdateExt(true );
Extents3d dbExtent
= new Extents3d(db.Extmin, db.Extmax);
using (Transaction tr
= db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
ViewportTable vt = tr.GetObject(
db.ViewportTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
as ViewportTable;
ViewportTableRecord vtr1 = tr.GetObject(
OpenMode.ForWrite) as ViewportTableRecord;
Point2d ll = vtr1.LowerLeftCorner;
Point2d ur = vtr1.UpperRightCorner;
vtr1.LowerLeftCorner = ll;
vtr1.UpperRightCorner = new Point2d(
ll.X + (ur.X - ll.X) * 0.5,
ll.Y + (ur.Y - ll.Y) * 0.5);
ZoomExtents(vtr1, dbExtent);
ViewportTableRecord vtr2 =
CreateVTR(vt, vtr1,
new Point2d(ll.X + (ur.X - ll.X) * 0.5, ll.Y),
new Point2d(ur.X, ll.Y + (ur.Y - ll.Y) * 0.5),
dbExtent, OrthographicView.RightView);
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(vtr2, true );
ViewportTableRecord vtr3 =
CreateVTR(vt, vtr1,
vtr1.UpperRightCorner, ur,
dbExtent, OrthographicView.BottomView);
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(vtr3, true );
ViewportTableRecord vtr4 =
CreateVTR(vt, vtr1,
new Point2d(ll.X, ll.Y + (ur.Y - ll.Y) * 0.5),
new Point2d(ll.X + (ur.X - ll.X) * 0.5, ur.Y),
dbExtent, OrthographicView.TopView);
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(vtr4, true );
// Update the display with new tiled viewports
// Commit the changes
// Create a model space viewport and uses the
// view parameters from a reference viewport
// before setting the orthographic view and zooming to extents
public static ViewportTableRecord CreateVTR(
ViewportTable vt, ViewportTableRecord refVTR,
Point2d ll, Point2d ur, Extents3d dbExtent,
OrthographicView ov)
ViewportTableRecord newVTR = new ViewportTableRecord();
newVTR.LowerLeftCorner = ll;
newVTR.UpperRightCorner = ur;
newVTR.Name = "*Active" ;
newVTR.ViewDirection = refVTR.ViewDirection;
newVTR.ViewTwist = refVTR.ViewTwist;
newVTR.Target = refVTR.Target;
newVTR.BackClipEnabled = refVTR.BackClipEnabled;
newVTR.BackClipDistance = refVTR.BackClipDistance;
newVTR.FrontClipEnabled = refVTR.FrontClipEnabled;
newVTR.FrontClipDistance = refVTR.FrontClipDistance;
newVTR.Elevation = refVTR.Elevation;
ZoomExtents(newVTR, dbExtent);
return newVTR;
public static void ZoomExtents
(ViewportTableRecord vtr, Extents3d dbExtent)
//get the screen aspect ratio to
// calculate the height and width
double scrRatio = (vtr.Width / vtr.Height);
//prepare Matrix for DCS to WCS transformation
Matrix3d matWCS2DCS
= Matrix3d.PlaneToWorld(vtr.ViewDirection);
//for DCS target point is the origin
matWCS2DCS = Matrix3d.Displacement
(vtr.Target - Point3d.Origin) * matWCS2DCS;
//WCS Xaxis is twisted by twist angle
matWCS2DCS = Matrix3d.Rotation(-vtr.ViewTwist,
) * matWCS2DCS;
matWCS2DCS = matWCS2DCS.Inverse();
//tranform the extents to the DCS
// defined by the viewdir
//width of the extents in current view
double width
= (dbExtent.MaxPoint.X - dbExtent.MinPoint.X);
//height of the extents in current view
double height
= (dbExtent.MaxPoint.Y - dbExtent.MinPoint.Y);
//get the view center point
Point2d center = new Point2d(
(dbExtent.MaxPoint.X + dbExtent.MinPoint.X) * 0.5,
(dbExtent.MaxPoint.Y + dbExtent.MinPoint.Y) * 0.5);
//check if the width' in current window
//if not then get the new height as per the
// viewports aspect ratio
if (width > (height * scrRatio))
height = width / scrRatio;
vtr.Height = height;
vtr.Width = height * scrRatio;
vtr.CenterPoint = center;