This post is actually inspired on create a new line group previous post, but with some changes. This will actually mimic the Line Number >> New >> Assign Tag feature on Plant 3D.
First, remove previous group related to the pipe, in order to avoid belong to more than one line group, which can be a modeling error. Second, just make the code simpler to include on your code. Note this will run for individual pipe making each pipe into a different line group (therefore different ISO production from each of them), you may adjust to a group of pipes.
private static void CreateNewTag(ObjectId partId, string newTagValue)
PlantProject currentProj = PlantApplication.CurrentProject;
PipingProject pipeProj = (PipingProject)currentProj.ProjectParts["Piping"];
DataLinksManager dlm = pipeProj.DataLinksManager;
PnPDatabase db = dlm.GetPnPDatabase();
PnPTable p3dLineGroupTable = db.Tables["P3dLineGroup"];
PnPRow lgRow = p3dLineGroupTable.NewRow();
lgRow["Tag"] = newTagValue;
int prRowId = dlm.FindAcPpRowId(partId);
PnPRow prRow = db.GetRow(prRowId); // not used yet
// remove all line groups already related
// to this pipe, if any, to avoid this pipe
// belong to multiple line groups
PnPRowIdArray priorGroupIds = dlm.GetRelatedRowIds(
"P3dLineGroupPartRelationship", "Part",
prRowId, "LineGroup");
if (priorGroupIds.Count != 1)
foreach (int id in priorGroupIds)
"LineGroup", id, "Part", prRowId);
// make the relation
if (lgRow.RowId != -1 && prRowId != -1)
"LineGroup", lgRow.RowId, "Part", prRowId);
And here is a simple command to invoke this routine
public static void CmdCustomNewTag()
Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect pipe: ");
peo.SetRejectMessage("\nOnly pipes");
peo.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Pipe), true);
PromptEntityResult per = ed.GetEntity(peo);
if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;
PromptResult pr = ed.GetString("\nEnter new tag: ");
if (pr.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;
CreateNewTag(per.ObjectId, pr.StringResult);
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