In this post, I will illustrate a sample based on AutoCAD 2015 API Editor.CommandAsync
Problem: Can I zoom to particular window in an Editor as long as I press esc or cancel to quit?
Answer: Yes, with help of CommandAsync, you can achieve this task.
#region "send Zoom command by callback function"
private static bool ZoomExit = false;
//declare the callback delegation
delegate void Del();
private static Del _actionCompletedDelegate;
// Exit function,check if Zoom command is esc\cancelled
static void
MdiActiveDocument_CommandCancelled(object sender,CommandEventArgs e)
ZoomExit = true;
public static void TestZoom()
var ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
var doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
//esc event
doc.CommandCancelled += MdiActiveDocument_CommandCancelled;
// start Zoom command
Editor.CommandResult cmdResult1 =
ed.CommandAsync(new object[]{
"_.ZOOM", Editor.PauseToken, Editor.PauseToken});
// delegate callback function, wait for interaction ends
_actionCompletedDelegate = new Del(CreateZoomAsyncCallback);
cmdResult1.OnCompleted(new Action(_actionCompletedDelegate));
ZoomExit = false;
// callback function
public static void CreateZoomAsyncCallback()
var ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
//if Zoom command is running
if (!ZoomExit)
// AutoCAD hands over to the callback function
Editor.CommandResult cmdResult1 =
ed.CommandAsync(new object[]{
"_.ZOOM", Editor.PauseToken, Editor.PauseToken});
// delegate callback function, wait for interaction ends
_actionCompletedDelegate = new Del(CreateZoomAsyncCallback);
cmdResult1.OnCompleted(new Action(_actionCompletedDelegate));
ed.WriteMessage("Zoom Exit");