In this blog post , I will illustrate a simple usage of our new AutoCAD2015 API AcGiGeometry::edge(const AcArray<AcGeCurve2d*>& edges) this API essentially defines a boundary of a fill ,can be used to display hatch – either pattern based , or solid hatches or gradients.
In my example ,I have created a custom entity deriving from AcDbPolyline and drawing a hatch in my graphics database, to define the boundary of my hatch. I have extracted line segments from my custom entity and passing those to edge API.
Code Snippet:
Adesk::Boolean ADSKMyEntity::subWorldDraw (AcGiWorldDraw *pWd)
assertReadEnabled () ;
/*Purpose is to diplay the hatch using new API AcGiGeometry::edge
on the my entity[ADSKMyEntity] deriving from polyline */
Adesk::Boolean result = Adesk::kFalse;
AcArray<AcGeCurve2d*> geCurves;
double hatchDev = 0.0;
hatchDev =
pWd->deviation(kAcGiMaxDevForCurve, AcGePoint3d::kOrigin);
AcGiFill acgiSolidFill;
int nSegs = -1;
AcGeLineSeg2d line;
AcGeLineSeg2d *pLine;
nSegs = this->numVerts() ;
for(int i = 0; i < nSegs; i++)
if(this->segType(i) == AcDbPolyline::kLine)
this->getLineSegAt(i, line);
pLine = new AcGeLineSeg2d(line);
/* geCurves represents boundary of hatch*/
result = pWd->geometry().edge(geCurves);
return result;
You can download full sample project ADSKEntity
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