Here is an annoying thing about CommandMethod attributes in AutoCAD .Net dlls: you can have two different commands that have the same name but refer to different .Net methods, for example consider the following code:
public void SomeMethod()
// Implementation ...
public void SomeOtherMethod()
// Implementation ...
What is going on if you try to netload a dll containing that code in AutoCAD? It will compile fine as there is no syntax error in the code, but you will get a frustrating error message in the command line:
Cannot load assembly. Error details: Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception: eDuplicateKey at Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandClass.AddCommand(ICommandLineCallable ca, MethodInfo mi) at Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.AutoCADApplicationHolder.Initialize(Assembly assembly) at Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.ExtensionLoader.ProcessAssembly(Assembly assembly)
There is no way to know which command name has caused that exception. Rather straightforward to fix it in that scenario, but in my case I work with a .Net dll that contains hundreds of commands split across dozen of files, so when I quickly cut and paste some code to test it, I can end up with duplicate commands which are hard to find.
A solution to that can be to use .Net reflection capabilities to find out the duplicates. This is what is doing the following piece of code: you need to run it from a separate .Net dll and load the dll that contains the duplicates using FindCmdDuplicates (path):
public void FindCmdDuplicatesCmd()
string asmPath = SelectAssembly();
if (asmPath == null)
private string SelectAssembly()
System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog dlg =
new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
dlg.Title = "Load Assembly File";
dlg.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(
dlg.Filter = ".Net Assembly (*.dll)|*.dll";
dlg.FilterIndex = 1;
dlg.RestoreDirectory = true;
while (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
AssemblyName asmName =
return dlg.FileName;
catch (BadImageFormatException ex)
"Sorry the file is not a valid .Net assembly...",
"Invalid Assembly",
return null;
public void FindCmdDuplicates(string asmPath)
Dictionary<string, List<MethodInfo>> map =
new Dictionary<string, List<MethodInfo>>();
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(asmPath);
Type[] expTypes = asm.GetTypes();
foreach (Type type in expTypes)
MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods();
foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
CommandMethodAttribute attribute =
if (attribute == null)
if (!map.ContainsKey(attribute.GlobalName))
var methodInfo = new List<MethodInfo>();
map.Add(attribute.GlobalName, methodInfo);
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
foreach (var keyValuePair in map)
if (keyValuePair.Value.Count > 1)
"\nDuplicate Attribute: " + keyValuePair.Key);
foreach (var method in keyValuePair.Value)
"\n – Method: " + method.Name);
public CommandMethodAttribute GetCommandMethodAttribute(
MethodInfo method)
object[] attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(true);
foreach (object attribute in attributes)
if (attribute is CommandMethodAttribute)
return attribute as CommandMethodAttribute;
return null;