How do I create a selection set filter in AutoLISP for a specific xdata value ?
A wiki help introduces in details on how to manipulate xdata by LISP:
Following is a small code demo. It assumes some entities have been added the xdata named “TEST_APP”. The code wants to filter the entities with the xdata and the data contains one value whose type is 1070 and value is 44.
(defun GetSpecificXdata (appName XdataType XdataValue / ss1 ssr indx sl entLst
theXdata i xl xdatav xdatal)
(setq ss1 (ssget "X" (list (cons -
3 (list (list appName))))))
(if ss1
(setq ssr (ssadd))
(setq indx 0 sl (sslength ss1))
(princ (strcat "\nOriginal Xdata Selection Set Length: " (itoa sl)))
(while (< indx sl)
(setq entLst (entget (ssname ss1 indx) (list appName)))
(setq theXdata (cdr (assoc '-3 entLst)))
(setq i 0 xl (length (setq xdatal (car theXdata))))
(while (< i xl)
(if (= (type (setq xdatav (car xdatal))) 'LIST)
(if (= (car xdatav) XdataType)
(if (= (cdr xdatav) XdataValue)
(ssadd (ssname ss1 indx) ssr)
(setq i (1+ i) xdatal (cdr xdatal) )
(setq indx (1+ indx))
(defun TestXdataSelection (/ ss2)
(setq ss2 (GetSpecificXdata "TEST_APP" 1070 44))
(if ss2
(princ (strcat "\nSearched for Application: " "TEST_APP" ",
XData Type: " (itoa 1070) ", XData Value: " (itoa 44)))
(princ (strcat "\nResultant Selection Set Length: " (itoa (sslength
(princ "\nTestXdataSelection loaded, type (TestXdataSelection) to run.")